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Back at the cave

Ein looked at the wall, suddenly finding it very interesting. He didn't know what to do, as he hadn't really spoken to people in awhile. Rhys sat down next to him, much to Ein's surprise. Rhys wasn't the social type, so he didn't really know what to do. He knew that Ein was scared of him, but he couldn't blame him. Rhys knew that he could be intimidating, and had been surprised when Ava warmed up to him so quickly. He quickly noticed Ein shaking, and it gave off the effect of not just fear.

"Are you cold?" Rhys asked him. Ein looked at him in surprise. Before Rhys had been gentle with him, but he had still given off a scary aura. Now though he had a warming aura around him, which actually made him feel a little less afraid.

"Just a little bit, I'm used to it," he stuttered looking away. Rhys said and handed him a blanket.

"U- uh thanks. Where did this come f-from?" Ein asked, surprised.

"I am a sort of Demon so I can do magic. I stole the blanket from Asch last night to bother him," Rhys grinned. He really loved to piss Asch off and stealing his blankets was one of the easiest ways to do it. He sighed and leaned back against the wall of the cave. They were quiet for a while, but it wasn't an awkward silence like you might've guessed. Ein actually felt safe for the first time in years. As time went on his eyes closed and he slowly fell asleep, his head leaning on Rhys' shoulder. See, if it was Asch or one of the others in the gang (besides Ava) he would have pushed them off, or just feel very uncomfortable. Rhys couldn't explain it, but having Ein in his shoulder, just felt right.

A while later, after Rhys had drifted off into lala land as well Ava walked into the cave. They had decided for her to go in first to warn the two guys. She stood there surprised, shocked at the fact that Rhys had shown emotion to Ein this quickly. She sighed and went to wake them up. (only after she took a bunch of pictures of course).

It was time to tell Aphmau to come in.

sorry it's even shorter than usual this time. school has started again, and i'm still getting used to a normal sleeping schedule 

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