Chapter 19

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After Ava explained to the rest what was happening (with Asch's sarcastic comments) they agreed it would be best for Noi to go with Ava and try to figure out what the next step was. Asch decided to stay behind this time, as he was exhausted. (and he is lazy) The two of them walked back to the cave where they found the others hard at work. Aph and Lucinda were working out the magic stuff, while Rhys sat against the wall of the cave exhausted. As soon as Ava and Noi came he stood up and walked over to them.

"The magic worked. Lucinda has her magic back," Rhys stated. Although he stopped talking, Ava could tell that he had something else to say. Something important. She grabbed Rhys' hand and started to drag him out of the cave.

"We'll be right back. I just need to ask him something," she called back to Noi. she came to a stop outside the cave and looked at Rhys expectedly. He sighed and looked away.

"Ava.... we can't leave him here. The others have been through too much pain to just forgive him," he looked at Ava. The decision was up to her, she was the one who was in charge of the house, which they all lived in.

"Do you think that's the best idea for him? For you?" she asked him.

Ava was fine with Ein coming back with them. She knew Rhys cared a lot for him, even though they just met him. But, she wanted Rhys to realize what he would be getting himself into. Ein had been through so much, and it would take a lot of work to knock down the walls he had put up. He would need Rhys to show him that he really does care, that he really won't leave him behind.

Rhys nodded, he had thought about this before while everyone was running around doing things. He knew it would be a lot of work, but he was willing to help Ein as much as he could. He knew he wouldn't be able to handle leaving Ein here to fend for himself. Ava grinned, happy with his decision.

"Great! Now let's go back and figure out the next step,"

The two of them walked back into the cave to find Lucinda mixing some strange things together. Rhys looked intrigued at what she was doing and went to watch her. Ava walked up to Aphmau to introduce her to Noi.

"Aphmau, this is Noi. He is the one who will be able to heal Aaron. Noi, this is Aphmau. She is helping us get back home,"

"Nice to meet you Noi. Also, thank you both. This all means so much to us," Aphmau said, smiling. Noi returned her smile and nodded.

"Lucinda will need some more time to finish the portal," Aph stated, looking at Ava expectedly.

"We can go to Aaron now. We just need you to lead the way," Ava replied, understanding what Aphmau had implied. Aph nodded.

"Follow me," 

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