Truth or Dare

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"I dare you to tell us something you have never told anyone ever."

Dex groaned and the rest of us snickered. Dex seemed lost in thought before he finally came to a conclusion. 

"Um..." Dex started looking uncomfortable. "I have kissed someone before"

I willed my cheeks not to blush so badly, but in the end I could feel myself get warm. Everyone else burst out laughing while Dex turned the same shade as his hair. It looked like no one was paying attention to me which I was grateful for because I got a chance to calm myself down. Once everyone calmed down we continued the game. 

"Linh, truth or dare?" Dex asked. 


"OK. If you had to chose someone to replace Tam as your brother who would it be?"

Both Tam and Linh looked like they were about to strangle Dex. 

"Um... I guess I will take of an article of clothing." Clearly Linh did not want to betray her brother.

"Ugh! These are all boring and Linh didn't even do her's!" Keefe complained. 

Linh glanced at her brother and a smile appeared on her face.  I could tell that Keefe had it coming. She whispered something in her brothers ear and an evil grin popped onto his face. He rubbed his hand together like an evil mastermind. He nodded and whispered something back. Then Tam whispered the secret to Biana who burst out laughing before whispering it to me. 

"Tam gets to shave Keefe's head and he has to leave it like that for 30 minutes."

I snorted and then stated having a full blown laughing fit. Which of course made Biana and Linh laugh too. Even Tam cracked a smile. I could tell that Fitz, Keefe, and Dex were very confused so I transmitted what we were laughing about to Fitz and Dex. It made them stat laughing which made me laugh harder. I stated rolling around to try to get my self together but it jut made me laugh harder.  Keefe ran to the door and shouted down the stairs. 

"Um Grady and Edaline. Everyone but me is laughing so hard they cant breath. I am concerned."

Grady and Edaline came upstairs to see what all the commotion was about. I transmitted to them what was happened and soon they were both cracking up too. Keefe looked really concerned for our health and I couldn't blame him. I don't know what I would do if everyone else started doing this to me. That didn't keep me from laughing though. 

"Guys I am seriously considering calling Elwin." He warned. After waiting a couple more seconds he picked up him imparter and called Elwin. I could here Elwin's voice had some concern in it when he answered. 

"What's the problem and how can I help?" 

All Keefe did was turn him imparter to face us. 

"What are they laughing about?"

"That's the thing, I have no idea."

Linh finally pulled herself together enough to ask Keefe. 

"Keefe, truth or dare.

"DARE! I AM NOT A COWARD!" He shouted.  

We all knew he would chose that so we shared a look. I started laughing so hard I went numb. 

"I dare you to shave your head and keep it like that for 30 minutes."

Keefe paled and shook his head hard. I had something to say about that though. I took 3 deep breathes before talking.

"'t...a...coward!" I said between laughs. 

Keefe grumbled something about conspires and nodded. 

"Is that a yes?" Fitz asked.

"Yes. Fine. Whatever."

Tam grinned as I went to go get Grady's shaver. This was going to be hilarious. When I walked back in the room I handed Tam the shaver and sat back down. We had to tie Keefe to a chair because he would not stay still. Tam turned on the shaver and shaved Keefe's head until it was almost all the way smooth. We untied Keefe and the sank to the floor. 

"Dude are you hugging your hair?" Dex asked with a snort. 


"You are ridiculous." Fitz added. 

"You can get your hair back in thirty minutes." Linh stated. 

"Keefe your turn." Biana said. 

"Fitzy poo, truth or dare?"


"Do you like..."

"Oh no." Fitz groaned. 


Fitz looked relived and I held my breath hopping so badly that he would say no. Linh also looked like she wanted him to say no. I wonder if Linh likes anyone else. Tam glared at Fitz and gave him a look that said, "You better not like my sister but don't break her heart." 


I stopped my self right before I sighed with relief. 

"Sophie, truth or dare." 


"Boo pick dare!" Keefe shouted. 

"For once me and Funky hair over there agree on something." Tam exclaimed. 

"You guys saw how that went last time."

"True, true" said Dex. 

 "I dare you to tell me your big secret."

I paled.

"You can do it telepathically"

Okay my secret is...

Come on. You can tell me anything Soph.

Fine. I like you Fitz.

Cliffhanger!! Also would you guys rather it be more action or more romance. The romance is going to get better don't worry. Comment banana if you like this story and comment moldy banana if you hate it. 

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