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Okay my secret is...

Come on. You can tell me anything Soph.

Fine. I like you Fitz.

There was silence that followed. I wanted to bury my face in my hands but I knew everyone else in the room was watching me with curiosity. I but my lip waiting for Fitz to laugh or shudder or... do something.

You really actually like me?


But what about Keefe?

What about Keefe?

You don't like him?

No, of course not!!

"Wow I am feeling a lot of emotions coming from Foster. Are you and Fitz done flirting yet?"

Me and Fitz both turned out heads to glare at Keefe at the same time. Obviously that was a mistake.

"Oooh! Fitzphie is really stepping up their game."

I groaned and telepathically told Fitzphie that we would finish the conversation later.

"Ok my turn!" I said hopping to change the subject. I really wanted to find a way to embarrass everyone in the room, except Fitz of course, but I could only do it one at a time.

"Ok guys, I am going to change it up a little bit."

"How? " asked Linh.

"Everyone in the room has to first tell me who they like and then tell that person that they like them. If they are not here call them."

I heard at least 5 groans from throughout the room. This was going to be fun. I saw Biana reach down to pull of her socks. There was no way I was letting them slip out of this one.

"You have to do it. No taking of an article of clothing."

"Fine! I will do it first and get it over with!" Keefe said.

He pulled out his imparter and we all scooted forward, excited to hear who he was going to call. He went an stood by the mirror and typed something on his imparter. Then he turned to the mirror and I knew he was going to be hilarious.

"Keefe" He said, " I like you! "

Everyone groaned.

"KEEFE!!" We all shouted!

"What? I don't like anybody else!"

"Fine. Let's move on."

Everyone but Fitz looked away and clearly didn't want to go next. We sat in silence for a few minutes. I noticed Fitz looking at me and I shrugged in return.

"You know what?" Fitz blurted, " I will go next. "

Tam mumbled something that sounded a lot like, 'Hear we go.'

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