Chapter 1

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Once upon a time there was a really big kingdom in France and that kingdom was known for there big palace and the cold hearted prince. The king was a very kind hearted man and a very wise king. But on one day the queen surprise the king that she was pregnant. The king was very happy about the great news, he wanted the child to be his successor so he hired a lot of maids and a royal tutor to taught his son. He named his son Sakusa Kiyomi. Sakusa was very handsome so a lot of the village girls like him and ask him to played with her. But since he was very spoiled he always rejected the girls. Sakusa knew he didn't like girls, so he decided to kept it a secret that he was gay. Sakusa also a germaphobe, he sometimes complain to the maid that she didn't clean enough and still had dust all over the book shelf. But on his fifthteen birthday, the king invited all the in the kingdom. He was dressed nicely,he wore a beautiful black suit with a matching pair of black shoes. He tried to enjoyed his birthday party even though he hated crowd. But there an old lady who walked in to the palace with our permission of the king and ask to let her to stay in the palace because it's raining outside. Sakusa eyes met her, and felt disgusted by her. Sakusa walks to her and told her to leave but she beg Sakusa and held Sakusa leg for approval. But he still rejected her and then kicked her and said " Get out of my palace, you dirty old woman and don't ever comeback here again!" But the she still beg him and held Sakusa leg for dear life . So Sakusa order the palace guards to took her away. But before the guards grab her by the arms, she said to Sakusa for the last time,"Curse you prince Sakusa,curse you!" Before Sakusa even said anything his heart fell cold and then everyone that in the kingdom started to became a living things, like a teapot, a clock and anything else. Sakusa personality became cold, distant and mean.

And that's how the the story begin!!

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