Chapter 3

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After being mean to the girls, Kuroo and Kenma get down from their horses and park them near someone's house. Kuroo continue to walk and leave the girls alone with their heart broken. Before joining Kuroo, Kenma say to girls one last thing, "That's never gonna happen ladies!" and then join Kuroo. Kenma said that with a sarcastic tone to girls so they can lower their expectations because Kuroo already have someone that he like. They both walk around some flowers shop to find Atsumu, but today is Kuroo lucky day he spotted Atsumu. Atsumu location is near his, so he decided to buy a bouquets of flowers to give Atsumu, before he could even get near Atsumu he was stopped buy a couple of citizens. He struggle to get through the crowd and Atsumu is leaving him behind, so he run to get near him but unfortunately there was more crowds that get into his way. It's stressful for Kuroo cause he didn't want to miss his chance to talk to Atsumu, but in the main time it's hard to get to him. But after couple minutes of struggle he finally can get to see Atsumu in person and also look into Atsumu beautiful eyes. Kuroo immediately talk to Atsumu and ask him if he can join Atsumu for the evening while he gave Atsumu the bouquets of flowers, but Atsumu rejects Kuroo offers in a polite way and leave Kuroo alone. Kenma was eavesdropping Kuroo and Atsumu conversation but when he heard Kuroo was rejected, he decided to talk to Kuroo. "So, moving on ?" Kenma said to Kuroo, but since Kuroo haven't get the result that he wanted he decided to keep trying.

Atsumu finally got back home from his adventure, he get in to the house and the first thing that he hear is his father voices. His father was singing very softly, Atsumu went to his father and find him fixing a machine for a wooden toy in a room full of painting of Atsumu mother. Atsumu smile softly at his dad and approach him, Atsumu father notice Atsumu present and ask Atsumu to get him something. Atsumu gladly get the thing that his father ask for and give it to him. Since Atsumu have a free time, he decided to help his father a little bit and talk to him about his hobby which is reading. Atsumu is very curious about his mother, whether is her personality or her hobby he's just wants to know everything about his mother, the one ting that makes him very curious is because his father never answer his question even if he beg for answer . So Atsumu decide to ask a question again about his mother,"Dad, what is my mother like?" after hear what Atsumu said and take a couple second to think about the answer, he finally answer " Fearless." Honestly Atsumu didn't expect for answer but he was satisfied to find an answer.After help his father finish the job, Atsumu father want to go to the market but since he go there and buy the stuff that he needs, he might as well ask Atsumu something. "Atsumu, what do you want from the market?". "Roses." Atsumu said, and so his father promised him to bring back a couple of roses. Atsumu said goodbye to his father before he left and go to the market.

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