Chapter 2

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Several years later
In the village there's a one young handsome man, who is a everyone's favorite. That man name is Atsumu, he has a beautiful blonde hair, a beautiful body and a charming personality . He always there to help people and his own family. Atsumu was raised by his father, his mom had passed away when she gave birth to Atsumu and his twin brother Osamu.

On one beautiful day, Atsumu wake up and he decided to buy food for his dad and himself while beside that he decided stopped at the library on the way to go home. So Atsumu quickly get dressed and go to out. He wears a stunning white shirt and a long blue pants. After that he immediately says goodbye to his father and leave the house. The second after he left his house and starts walking everyone start to open their window and say, " Bounjour!". Atsumu reply to his and says," Bonjour !" to them with a very polite accent. Atsumu continue to walk to the baker and grabs one of his fresh bake bread and says thank you to him.One of his neighbor started conversation with Atsumu, his neighbor name is Sawamura Daichi. "Oh, hello Atsumu is good seeing you here."said Daichi. "Hi Daichi-san."Atsumu respond to him."What are you doing today Atsumu ?"he asked " Oh to day I'm going to the library to return the book that i borrows ." "Okay then, have a nice day!"Daichi ended the conversation, and Atsumu says"You too Daichi-san." Atsumu ran to library and passed a couple people that he knows like Sugawara-san, he is a school teacher and Oikawa,he meets Oikawa while Oikawa is washing his clothes.Atsumu finally reaches his destination which is the library.He meet the library who is Akaashi Keiji." Hi there Atsumu the,only book worm that i know." "Hi there too". Akaashi knew that Atsumu is very adventurous and sometime being stubborn if someone tell him to stop exploring the village. So he asked Atsumu,"So where do you explore yesterday?", Atsumu replied, " It's kinda boring in this village since I have explore all the area.". Akaashi was not shocked by the answer of his question, because he know the fact that this will happen eventually and so he keep his silence. Since Atsumu is intrigued by historical book, he immediately reach for the book shelf and find a book about history the he haven't read. Then he says bye to Akaashi and continue his journey.

And then from far far away there's a guy who watches him with a binocular, and that guy name is Kuroo. He was watching Atsumu every moves with his friend name Kenma. Kuroo has a biggest crush on Atsumu because he was smart and handsome. He knew from the start he like Atsumu and he was gay for him. Kurro pass the binocular to Kenma while saying that Atsumu was the most beautiful in the village and that's what makes her the best. But Kenma replied " But he's so well read and you're so athleticly incline.". Because of Kenma response made Kuroo think differently, Kuroo explains why he liked Atsumu on the first place. Kuroo immediately ride his horse and then walked in to the village with Kenma to find Atsumu. While on the way to find Atsumu, Kuroo got a couple other complements by the girls who live in the village saying that he is so handsome and charming. But Kuroo show his other side of his personality which is the intimidating look in his face and act so intimidating and mean to the girls.

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