Epilogue 1/4

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To: Leooooo ❤️

Before we meet for lunch can you grab my water bottle off the kitchen table pleeeease

To: Crisssss ❤️

I'm not home.

To: Leooooo ❤️


To: Crisssss ❤️

Sorry 😌👌

To: Leooooo ❤️

where are you???

To: Crisssss ❤️

😛 About to board my plane 🐒

To: Leooooo ❤️

WHERE? Wait what??? WHY? LEO WHAT

To: Crisssss ❤️

Sorry gotta go! 💋😜 Love you!

To: Leooooo ❤️


To: Leooooo ❤️


To: Leooooo ❤️


To: Crisssss ❤️

Oh! Forgot to tell you, one more thing, don't worry about the kids 😚 I have them! 😁❤️

To: Leooooo 😤


To: Crisssss  ❤️

I'd love to talk but can't. Boarding now. Kisses!


Cristiano had never ran so fast, he tried calling and texting Leo more, hoping for answers but none of his calls or messages were going through. A true sign that he had in fact boarded a plane and was likely in the air already. Cris wasn't going to lie, he was kind of angry, not just because Leo was going on a trip without him, but he took the kids with him.

He packed all seven of their children up and was currently flying to an unknown destination. Yeah, Cris was kind of pissed. He knew Leo could be spontaneous and that could be fun sometimes, but not now. How could he just think Cris would be okay with it?

The drive to their home was short and quick, he sped around cars and (unashamedly) cut people off, because hey, he was in a rush. As soon as he was parked in front of their home he got out and sped inside. Sure enough, the house was silent and the TV was off, there wasn't a hint of sound whatsoever. His footsteps echoed through the halls, he searched every room and felt a little distressed when he discovered that there was no one home.

When he made it to their bedroom he was hoping it'd be all some stupid prank and Leo and the kids would all jump out of various hiding places and scare him... but nothing. He opened the door and walked in, silence, pure and utter silence. He was about to leave the room in defeat when he seen it, a plain white envelope on the bed. Sat right in the middle of the comforter, as he got closer he noticed the gold lettering on it.

Open me.

He grabbed it and skimmed his fingers over the glittery font, it was smooth, written by someone that wasn't Leo, seeing as the man could barely right normally let alone cursive. He opened it nonetheless and found what looked like a plane ticket and a handwritten letter. As he sat the ticket aside and opened the paper, Leo's messy but legible scrawl made Cris smile.

I know I know. You're probably mad but calm down because guess what? I got you a plane ticket as well <3 now you can come and meet up with us. I can't tell you much, because it's a surprise :) Just know that you should probably pack clothes for cool/cold weather. Your plane leaves tomorrow morning, DO NOT MISS YOUR FLIGHT.

I love you so much and I can't wait to see your beautiful face. Sending you SO MANY KISSES.


Fools. (Cressi/Lionaldo) (Cristiano Ronaldo/Lionel Messi)Where stories live. Discover now