Wth am i doing-

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I'm making a post when I'm tIrEd sO dOnT bLaMe Me aNd iM bOrEd
Y/n= the Hanako/Amane fandom or something of the sort.
"Hanako!! Will you marry me?" The girl was a simp for Hanako, and she was also a simp for Amane, his... living self.
"No! The only girl that I can marry is Yashiro, but she's still my friend and I don't want to ruin the relationship!"
"But she already likes you~! Either ask me out or her! Or you can be-"
"I don't know you! So stop following me!"
"Yes you do! Well... kinda anyways... If you're not going to accept me, can I set you up with Yashiro?" She jumps in front of him.
"Yashi- NO!" Declining the idea, he storms off.
"It's so hard not to make a set up you guys up." As y/n says, she stares at the soon-to-be-couple.
Well, how about this? I'll make stories, draw pictures, and then pretend I'm yashiro- or I could pretend to be Hanako- "after all that I'm still going to set you guys up—"

                        tHe eNd

A Classic Story but it's TBHK Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt