CH 6 - Honeymoon

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*3 months later*

Melody laughed as the two of you sat down at a table.

"Thank you y/n! I missed you! & I'm sure you've been bored to death."

You laughed, "Yeah, Hisoka has been busy with some contract work, he's tracking someone down apparently. Not sure who could be so elusive to him but it's kept his attention for the last few weeks."

Melody moved to Yorknew about 3 days ago. She said she wanted to be closer to you in case you got pregnant soon, to help with everything, but you could tell she was also worried about you. Things had been a little stressed between you and Hisoka since you got married. You decided to welcome her with a little brunch party, your favorite meal of the day

"Well, Yorknew is such a big city, there's always something to do. Now you won't be stuck in that condo."

"Yeah hopefully... living together was so fun when I first moved in with him. I can't believe it was only 3 months ago it feels like forever."

"Oh! We never got to talk about it! How was the wedding day for you!?"

"Honestly Mel, it sounds crazy but I don't remember much! It was such an insane day... sometimes I wonder if it even happened but I look at my ring and remember."

"No, I understand what you mean. It was a whirlwind of a day, and so many people were there!"

"I know right!? I wasn't expecting so many people, I didn't even recognize half of them. Especially this one guy... it was so weird... he had on a tux like he attended the wedding but he was wearing a headband... but I didn't see him inside... but we were talking outside. I think he gave me a fake name too.."

"Really? When?"

"Right before you called me and told me Hisoka was looking for me... I was outside with him."

Melody made a face as if she was trying to remember, "I don't recall seeing anyone like that outside with you. Are you sure?"

"I'm positive... whatever it doesn't really matter. We're here to celebrate your arrival!"

You ordered your favorite food and drinks and continued chatting, making plans about what you were going to do, the city tours you were going to take, and all the fun you two were going to have in the city. But deep inside you felt sad & empty, a small feeling of doubt as Illumi's words rang in your mind.

someone to finally keep Hisoka's attention...

Were you keeping Hisoka's attention? He was hardly ever home now, it seems as if whatever or whoever he was chasing for this job was more important to him at the moment. You were angry and sad, you moved to York New for him and he basically left you here by yourself. But whenever he came home, you'd be so happy to see him again, you just couldn't maintain your rage. He would seduce you with his charm, and you two would end up in bed together for days until he left again for weeks.

Hisoka hadn't mentioned it but you could tell he was waiting for news from you whenever he came home, after all, that was part of the arrangement, wasn't it? And yet, you still weren't pregnant.

You drank down your mimosa and shook the thoughts from your mind. You should be looking forward to having your best friend around to hang out with now. You two would have so much fun out and about York New, and maybe you'd even make more friends. You weren't really being a hunter at the moment and decided maybe this would be your chance to have a somewhat normal life. But you couldn't shake the feeling that something was going to go wrong.

The waiter came with the check and you placed Hisoka's card on the bill.

"So Mel, what are your plans for the rest of the day?"

"I should probably finish unpacking, then I think I'll just relax. You wanna come over?'

"No, maybe next time. I think I'm a little sleepy from these drinks."

The two of you hugged before you went your separate ways, you decided to walk home since the restaurant wasn't too far from the condo. As you walked down the street you checked your phone, expecting to see a missed call or message from your husband. But you saw no new notifications. While distracted you bumped into someone and dropped your phone. You went down to grab it, the stranger did as well.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!"

"Really, it's fine. Let me get that for you."

As you looked up you realized who it was. Realization seemed to hit him at the same instant. He spoke first.

"Oh, the bride. Y/n, right?"

"Yeah, and you're..."

"Chris. Nice to see you again."

"Chris... nice to see you as well..."

Chris.. that was his name.. it didn't seem like it fit him but you didn't think much of it.

There was an awkward silence as neither of you knew what to say, or rather, you'd been waiting for him to say something because you didn't want to say anything stupid. He was wearing the same headband, but this time he was dressed in a leather jacket, and a t-shirt, with ripped black jeans. It wasn't a fancy outfit or anything but something about it just suited him very well, you liked it on him.

"I'm sorry I bumped into you like that, I was just out with my best friend, maybe had too much to drink."

"It happens, but if you're tipsy.. I would feel a lot better if you let me escort you home."

"Oh, there's no need..."

"Trust me, y/n, there's a lot of crazy criminals in York New. Some of them would even rob you in broad daylight. I'd feel better if you let me do you this favor."

You wanted to refuse, you were a trained and certified Hunter, obviously you could take care of yourself. But he was so soft-spoken and genuine, and also not bad to look at. You decided to let him walk you home. No harm right?

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