CH 7 - Snake In The Garden

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The two of you started on your way back to the apartment and some light chit-chat ensued.

"So Chris, what brings you to Yorknew?"

"Oh, I live here. Although, I'm not home very often. But I'm currently here on a business trip. I have a meeting with some associates...."

"Oh, what line of work are you in?"

"I'm a licensed hunter. But I'm a... Collectors of sorts also. Mostly antiques and artifacts... ancient writings and texts..."

"Oh, maybe that's why you seem so familiar to me? I've done some bodyguard work for a few important curators and archeologists.."

"Really? Small world huh?"

In no time, you two arrived at the condo. You decided to be bold, you were having fun and didn't want it to end yet. And if you were being completely honest, you were a little lonely. Being in that big apartment by yourself was driving you crazy.

"Are you busy? Would you like to come up for some tea?"

It was ever so slight but you could see a small smirk form on his face.

"Sure. If you don't mind."

You made it up to your apartment in your high-rise, opened the door and went immediately to the kitchen. You were feeling thirsty after the walk. It wasn't a long one but it tired you out a little more than you expected it to. You figured you needed to do a little training again.

Chris stood at the entryway, looking around the apartment in awe. He seemed a little fascinated. You couldn't tell why.

"Please come in, have a seat. Make yourself comfortable."

Chris sat down on the couch, looking around very intently. You assumed he was admiring the decor and artwork in the luxury apartment. You didn't do any interior decorating, you figured you'd let Hisoka do your home if you two ever got one. He'd done such an amazing job with this place...

"You live in this big apartment alone?"

You laughed, "Oh no, Hisoka & I live here. Technically it's his, I just moved in right after we got married."

"Really? He certainly has an eye for decoration."

You put on a kettle of water before sitting down next to him.

"He does, doesn't he? His taste is very refined. He likes beautiful things."

"And you're the centerpiece of his beautiful things I assume."

You had mixed reactions to that statement.

"Centerpiece of our things... but yes... I am."

"Oh I didn't mean to offend you, I just figured... "

"What did you figure...?" You knew your tone was a little aggressive but you couldn't help it. You knew what people thought of you and Hisoka but... you never wanted to admit to it.

"I've worked with Hisoka for a while, off and on. He's an interesting character, extremely selfish, and very possessive. I'm sure he'd behave in a similar way with his wife... no offense."

You sighed, tired of keeping up the front. You didn't know what it was but Chris made you feel like it was safe to be honest with him. Or maybe you were just tired of keeping it all to yourself.

"I'd be lying if I said he wasn't like that at all. That is Hisoka's personality... But I knew that when I agreed to be his wife I suppose...."

"When I heard he was marrying someone I was amused. When I saw you, it was a surprise. Word travels fast in the Hunter community. I've heard of your work before, you're a strong fighter. Very fierce and independent... I remember your match with him in Heaven's arena."

You laughed, "Yeah. Hisoka and I have a .... complicated relationship. I'm pretty sure our determination to fight and win against each other is at the center of it."

He smirked, "Ah. It all makes sense now then. But even still, I can't understand..."

"Understand what?"

"If I was Hisoka... and I had a beautiful home like this, with a beautiful wife such as yourself waiting for me... I don't know. The fast life of being a Hunter wouldn't be the thing keeping my attention."

Your heart began to race a little. Chris was saying what you had been thinking but afraid to say out loud. Maybe you were young and naive, believing marriage to someone like Hisoka could ever work. Or that you would ever be truly important to him. Those old doubts were beginning to surface again, and he was making them too obvious to ignore.


Just then, the kettle began to whistle. Perfect timing, you thought to yourself. You went to pour a glass for yourself and for Chris. In your absentmindedness, you forgot to grab a mitten and grabbed the kettle with your bare hand.

"Owwww! Shit!"

Chris was there in a flash, "Y/n? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just burned the hell out of my hand."

"Let me see.."

Chris held your hand gently as you opened your palm, his finger tracing around the burns. He considered it a risky move, but his feelings caught the best of him. Against his better judgment, he decided to risk blowing his cover. He was having second thoughts about this whole plan anyway.

"Hold still, I can heal these for you."

You watched in awe as Chris' nen began building around his body, and suddenly a book manifested in his free hand. Your heart was racing at the feeling of his hand on yours.

He studied your face as he healed your hand, watching for any signs of you finally realizing who he was. He could tell you still didn't know, but he saw the blood rush to your face. Your hands were suddenly very warm. When he was finished, he closed the book, but kept your hand in his. Yeah, he was definitely beginning to rethink this plan.

"Wow.. That's.. an amazing nen ability... Thank you."

"Don't mention it, just try to be more careful next time.." 

A brief awkward silence came between you two as you both suddenly felt nervous. Like you were doing something you shouldn't be. He broke the silence first..

"I um... should get going. I have a meeting to attend but... if you ever want to get coffee or lunch..."

he wrote his number down on a napkin on the kitchen table
"You can reach me here. YorkNew is a beautiful city. I'd love to show you around.."

He smiled and your heart started racing again.
"Thank you. I'd love that also..."

You started walking towards the door to let him out, nervous about what would happen if he stayed any longer. As soon as you closed the door behind him you exhaled, feeling both relieved and crazy.

What was I thinking letting him up here....

He left and went down downstairs, walking out of the lobby of the Condo. He got into the vehicle that was waiting for him.

"So, how'd it go boss? Everything went as planned"

Chrollo looked up at the high rise, " far so good."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2021 ⏰

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