CH 3 - The Reception

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Everyone's eyes were on you as you walked down the aisle, bouquet in hand. Under any other circumstance, you would hate to be the center of attention. You might have fainted with anxiety. But Hisoka had you caught in a trance, he was all you could see as you walked towards him. 

After what felt like an eternity, you were finally there, standing face to face with him. He gently grabbed your hand and whispered to you, "~Hm, I figured you'd catch cold feet as a bride.~" You smiled in response, "I never run from a fight."

The officiate began the wedding rites but you missed most of what was being said. Your mind was occupied with Hisoka as he watched you intently, seeming a little more serious than usual. Hisoka's best man Illumi handed him the wedding band. Which he slipped onto your finger as he said his part, and you responded, "I do." Then it was your turn, and you took the wedding band from Melody.

As you slipped the ring onto his finger, saying your part, you silently thanked Jane for forcing you to practice because muscle memory had taken over. As you looked up into his amber eyes, your brain was failing to operate until he said "I do.". It was official. A brilliant smile formed on your face as the officiate finally announced you as husband and wife. Hisoka pulled you in close, kissing you softly on the lips as everyone snapped pictures and applauded.


Your wedding day was a total blur. After the ceremony, you and Hisoka led the guests into the reception hall and the party began. Food was served and drinks were flowing.

Dozens of people came up to hug and congratulate you on your marriage to Hisoka. Some people even brought gifts and cards. You were truly shocked at the warmth you were getting from the hunter community. Just a few hours ago you were sure this would turn into a blood bath.

As you sat at your table with Melody, who was busy talking to some guy named Kurapika, you got a good look at everyone who had shown up. You spotted the Zoldyck family, Killua & Gon, even a few of the Zodiacs. Many others were people you'd seen before but didn't have a name for. Some were total strangers. But everyone appeared to be in good spirits.

You looked around for Hisoka and saw him chatting with Illumi. You were very proud of him for being able to keep his cool in a room with such powerful people. On any other day, Hisoka would be looking for a fight to pick, but today was special. You hadn't sensed his blood lust at all, not even once.

You walked up to him and before you got close, he turned around smiling, sensing you.

"~There she is, my beautiful bride.~" he kissed you politely on the cheek.

"~Illumi this is y/n, I don't believe the two of you have ever been properly introduced. Illumi is my... business associate.~"

Illumi extended his hand to you as you looked into his moon-like eyes. They really were huge and slightly hypnotic. You decided to speak first.

"Nice to meet you Illumi. I've heard a lot about you."

"Really?" He glanced at Hisoka before continuing, "You truly are as beautiful as Hisoka boasted. I'm pleased to see he's finally found someone to... keep his interest." Illumi stated plainly, his expression never changing.

You smiled lightly, not knowing how to react to that comment.

Hisoka smirked before interrupting,

"~Well Illumi, we'll continue this another time. I believe I have some marital duties to attend to.~" and with that Hisoka guided you onto the ballroom floor.

A soft classical style song was playing as he wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you into him as you began a slow and lazy waltz.

You looked around, your heartwarming as you saw that everyone was having a good time.

"~How does it feel to finally be Mrs. Amorou?~"

You smiled, laying your head on this chest as the two of you swayed back and forth.

"It feels amazing Hisoka."

"~Good. You've been mine since we first met, but now it's official...~" You laughed at his possessiveness.

"I'm just surprised so many people showed up.... do you think the Spiders are here?"

Hisoka glanced at you, raising a brow.

"~Have you seen any of them?~"

"Well... I've only ever heard of them. I'm not sure what they look like."

"~They aren't the wedding crashing type... You wouldn't be able to miss them if they were here. ~"

You smirked, "Too bad. I figured your ex Machi would be here, to see the face of who won you, after all."

Hisoka subtly pinched you on your ass, making you squeal. "~I'm sure all of my toys now know who my favorite is. No need to worry. But if she is here, let's give her a show, hm?~"

Hisoka dipped you and kissed you, his lips interlocking with yours. Something about kissing him like this, in front of everyone, and in front of women who definitely wished they were in your shoes, lit a fire in you. You kissed him back passionately, clinging to him, momentarily losing a sense of where you were. You felt excited, and you could feel Hisoka becoming excited too, so you stopped yourself.

He pulled you up with a devilish grin, "~Careful...before I give our guests a once in a lifetime performance...~"

You bit the inside of your lip, damn he looked so good in that tux. You almost wanted to call him on his bluff, but you decided against it. Hisoka wasn't a bluffer. You played it off instead.

"Save it for later. I'm gonna go touch up my make up and get some fresh air."

Hisoka snuck close to you and kissed your cheek again, whispering in your ear.

"~Want me to... come with?~"

You wanted to say yes, of course, but you knew if you did you'd be locked in that back room all night.

"No, stay here. Keep an eye on our guests. I'll be back in a few." You gave him one last peck and walked off alone to the dressing room.

You checked your makeup and surprisingly it was still intact.  The sun had set and you could feel a nice breeze coming from outside. You decided to go stand in the garden again.

A few chairs were left out so you decided to sit and take your heels off. You looked up at the stars to see a full moon and sighed. Everything was beautiful. Everything was perfect. But you still couldn't shake that feeling, the same feeling you get in dreams, that in only a few moments everything could go terribly wrong.

Just then you heard an unfamiliar voice...

"Beautiful night for a beautiful bride...."

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