The tree -Jalex, image

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The leaves shifted gently under his feet as carefully climbed up the tree trying not to drop his book. As hes done for years, always at exactly 3pm and he climbs down exactly 2 hours later. He climbs the highest branch he can and just reads. Today was different though. This was his tree. He knew every branch and leaf. Despite his claim to the tree someone decided that half an hour later, they too would climb the tree. They didn't see the reading boy, they just climbed on and pulled out a book. They boy had dark raven hair with a blonde stripe through it. All the boy could see of him was his hair and the bronze green hoodie he wore. Expecting it to be a one time thing the higher boy said nothing. 

the next day the boy was back, but once again the one higher up didn't say anything. Eventually  it became a regular occurrence. The raven haired boy would always come at half past 3 and read on a lower branch he'd leave at 4 and of course the one higher didn't want to give away his neatly hidden poston up in the tree so he'd always wait. 

The lower branched boy would always wear that same hoodie even when the weather eventually got hot. This was starting to become their tree, and soon he was curious about the boy. He looked forward to the boy with the raven hair. One day he wondered if he should alert the boy of his presence, however long he thought he could never make up his mind. 

One day not too long after he had arrived the boy on the higher branch had yet to open his book. Still thinking it over, maybe he'd wait for the right moment. Still unsure he lifted the book up as to open it but panicked when the book slipped and in a last ditch effort to not drop it grabbed at it but couldn't quite catch it. The book fell right on to the raven haired boy with bronze green hoodie. 

Thr boy jumped and fell out of the tree and the boy higher up paniced even more stumbling out of the tree to make sure he was okay. When the boy made it down , he was breathing hard and shaking. The raven hair boy was siting on the ground confused as to what just occured.

"oh my, i mso sorry, im such a clutz, are you okay? Are you hurt? Di-"

"Im fine oh my god how long have you been up there?" He said standing up allowing the other boy to actually see him. He had eyes that were soft and caring, his hair perfectly spiked and he was slighter taller.

"I sit up there everyday, im so sorry," he scrached the back of his neck, his normally perfectly clean hoodie now had a sticks poking about as he rushed out of the tree. 

"Ive never seen you, im Jack by the way," His hand out strached to shake his hand.

"Alex, i sit up high for that reason, its good place to hide from the world."

"It really is."

"Let me buy you a coffee or something, I feel bad for knocking you out of the tree like that."

"You know what, I might just let you do that," The boys laughed and only after alex had picked his book up did they start walking off toward the cafe.

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