Chapter One

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(A/N) Hey, so this'll be my first League of Legends Fanfiction. I made the chapters pretty long in my opinion, so new chapters will take a bit longer. Be sure to leave a vote/comment/suggestion for this story! Thanks..!


"Hurry up! You'll be late for your first day!" the woman ushered, handing the young teen a rough leather bag. The teen looked down at her, his light blue eyes shining. "Bye Aunt Vin." he said, his tone a bit saddened. She looked into the boy's eyes and gave him a warm smile, "I'll miss you snooping around here, kiddo. But! You're the son of a prodigal explorer! Good luck!" she said with a smile and pushed the teen out the door. She pushed him out the door, before slamming it shut. She didn't want her nephew to see her shed tears on the beginning of his adventure.

Slowly, the boy raised his arms into the air and gave a huge grin. He observed the bright blue skies, the wind carrying the fluffy white clouds above him. Taking a deep breath, he yelled with all his might, "HERE I COME LEAGUE OF LEGENDS! YOU BETTER BE PREPARED!"

The teen had walked through his hometown, Piltover. He passed by Caitlyn's police station that was now being run by a close subordinate of hers. The crime rate was still surprisingly low. Jinx hadn't been wreaking havoc lately either, he had met her once. The boy was walking home from class and he had the rare encounter of catching a glimpse at the girls blue pigtails. She gave him a silly face, and kept running.

Before he knew it, he had reached the teleportation device. He purchased a ticket and stepped into the humming machine.

The metal vibrated and soon the scenery shifted. Now, he could see a gigantic building standing tall in front of him.

League of Legends Institute

The boy approached the steps to the huge institute; it was filled with perfectly polished glass windows and spotless looking grounds. The institute looked super prestigious and neat. Slowly, the boy walked up to the administration desk. A young worker came to greet him, "Hi there! Name?" she said cheerily, picking up a pen to scribble his name down.

"Astral... Astral Crownguard." he replied, the woman's eyes widening. "What is a demacian doing here?" she asked curiously. The boy laughed nervously, "Actually... I'm from Piltover." he laughed, rubbing the back of his neck shyly.

That's when he heard a scream of a joy from a woman, "Astral, dear! Finally, you're here!" the lady of luminosity chimed, carrying a huge staff in her hand. It had a warm, rainbow coloured glow. "Hi mom." the teen laughed, hugging the small lady. She hadn't aged a day since she joined the League of Legends.

"Taller than me, already..? How long has it been...?" Lux asked lightly, staring up at the teen. The boy thought for a bit, "8 years?" he said, as if it was no big deal. Lux almost began to sob, realizing how long it had been since she had seen her one and only son. She was about to apologize for how she abandoned the teenager in his early years, when a champion came from the hall behind her. It was another woman with a floating weapon and pink armor. "Oh! Astral, this is Irelia, she is very skilled. I hope you won't have to face her on the battlefield... Teehee!" Lux laughed.

Astral looked at the woman with a curious look. She had silver hair, which is most peculiar. Irelia was also inspecting the male; he had pitch black hair even though both his parents were blond. His eyes were the same blue and he had pretty fair-colored skin.

Just then, an announcement echoed throughout the hallway. "New match in progress! Champions selected; BLUE TEAM; Shen, Udyr, Talon, Astral & Lulu! RED TEAM; Yasuo, Rek'Sai, Zed, Caitlyn, Morgana! All names called will be summoned to the rift in approximately three minutes." a woman spoke in a booming tone, the vibration in her voice echoed off of the wide walls. The transmission then turned off.

League of Legends Fanfiction: The New KidTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang