Chapter Four

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(A/N) You see that media art? Yeah, I'm so proud of it. #Blessed Okay, bye. Sorry this chapter took so long! I was stuck on one part.

"Who's Swain?" Astral asked lightly, standing up straight. The arcane energy that coursed through his veins were now simmering into a calmer, solid state. He didn't feel the new energy anymore as his nerves returned to normal. Had his old arcane power overpowered the new one?

Darius smirked, "Swain is... someone that doesn't concern you." he said with a deep laugh. That answer annoyed the boy, he hadn't been told anything since he came to Noxus. "Whatever, I didn't really care." Astral replied, glancing away from the man. He said that, but he really was interested in this Noxian's intentions. "Good." Darius nodded, then turned the brass knob of the double doors.

He opened the doors, the bright lights filling the dim room. He was taken by surprise when chains shot out of the door, binding the large Noxian down. The chains were glowing, and they seemed to have an infinite length. Astral didn't understand what was happening, but the teen made a break for it. He ran out the door, and down the long corridor of the building. His shoes echoed against the stone floor, the teen was now basked in the light, the rays peeking through the windows. Even though the teen was very far from Darius, he felt the immense rage of the Noxian; making his skin crawl. Astral could hear Darius yell in anger, "Damn LeBlanc! How dare you!" he shouted, his voice becoming less audible each step the boy took.

He noticed a figure waiting in the distance, leaning against a wall. The boy came to a halt, preparing to blast his way through him. The assassin was glaring at Astral, when he realized it was Talon. He expected the assassin to challenge him to a battle, but he got up and walked down the hall. His walk was quiet, and the boy could barely hear his footsteps. At this point, Astral was very confused. Was he letting him go? Talon stopped, "Follow me, you brat." he muttered quietly, but sharply. Even though the assassins back was facing him, Astral could tell Talon was rolling his eyes with annoyance.

He followed willingly, Astral assumed Talon was on his side. Why else would he be spared? He'd have to trust him till he could safely get out of Noxus. "Uh... Where are we going..?" Astral asked as the pair quickly walked down the hallways. The noxian was silent, then turned around, "We're going to a secret residence. It should be safer there." he explained, then quickly took off again. The boy followed him down a corridor that was poorly lit, Talon then opened another door leading to a set of stairs heading down. The teen hadn't noticed, but the building he was currently in was far from the ground. It wasn't flying, but it was balanced in the air by a few supports.

Talon walked down the stairs, his boots creating a loud thunk as it hit the metal platforms. There were no railings, and it was a staircase curving around the huge building. Astral wished that he had his hoverboard at this time, the wind was rough and it basically pushed the boy back. Swallowing his nerves, the teen headed down the staircase as he fought the tough winds that pushed in front of him. He noticed Talon was easily cutting through the winds, his hood blew off in the process. Thin strands of brown hair blew through the currents, and his hair was like a girls. Talon's armor blew around too, his red scarf blowing wildly behind him, practically flinging the cloth in the teens face.

They continued to descend the gigantic building, and eventually they reached the foot of the base. The teens feet connected with the ground, and he felt so relieved. It wasn't a light breeze the pair were dealing with, it was a gust strong enough to send someone airborne. Talon smirked at the boy's relieved face, "We use this staircase as a training drill." he commented, flipping his hood back over his head. "That's crazy! No wonder Noxians are strong." he replied, flattening his wrinkled black t-shirt. The boy hadn't showered, or cleaned up in a few days. Astral was becoming conscious of his uncleanliness. Talon shrugged, "If you think those lowlifes were strong, wait till you meet everyone else." the assassin smiled, pushing through a thicket of leaves.

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