Chapter Five

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(A/N) Hey! Here's the next chapter, I probably won't get a lot of readers... but that's okay! I'm just writing this because it's a good way to practice for English assignments and such. :) Hope you enjoy this chapter!


"Are you Zed?" Astral asked, already knowing the answer. The man smirked, "Indeed. My name is Zed, the Master of Shadows." the ionian answered with a low chuckle. "Tell me, child. Why are you in Ionia?" he asked, scraping his two razer-like weapons together. The metallic sound the weapons created made the teen uneasy, like Zed would stab him at any given time. The raven-haired boy paused momentarily, then responded quietly, "...I'm fleeing the Noxians..." Astral answered, his eyes not wavering. He wasn't going to let his guard down anytime soon, because if he did it would be like waving raw meat in front of a hungry wolf. The Ionian laughed, "So, that's what happened..." he smirked, pointing his blades at the teen.

Immediately, Astral took a defensive stance, "Back off, Zed." he ordered through gritted teeth. Zed smiled coldly, "Make me." he taunted before lunging at the boy. He whipped two shurikens at the teen, and the boy decided kicking the sharpened metal back wouldn't be the best idea. Astral carefully maneuvered the spinning metal, the shurikens digging into the trunks of the trees behind him. He thought he was in the clear, when a shadow clone appeared behind him. Astral turned around, blasting the one behind him into nothing, but that gave the real Zed an opening to attack.

Astral heard a low voice whisper from behind him, "Game over." he said with a chuckle. The teen smiled, "Yeah?" he said before flipping into the air, avoiding the man's fatal attack. He landed on the man's neck, knocking him over. A huge blast of energy then appeared from beneath his sneakers, sending a powerful shock towards the ground. Zed was quick, and avoided the shot. He jumped into the air while Astral was airborne and kicked him even higher. The teen grabbed Zed's leg and flipped him over, sending him face-first to the ground.

They both hit the ground at a heavy impact making dirt and debris fill the skies. When the dust cleared, the pair had their weapons pointed at each other; ready to kill. "Not bad." Astral said, looking at the Ionian's amused expression, "Same to you." he replied casually. Astral was first to release his arcane power, and Zed put down his blades. The two had acknowledged each other to be strong and were both sparing their own lives. If they kept fighting, surely they would both die.

There was a silence as the two thought of what to do next, when Zed finally spoke up, "Come with me. I'll explain what is happening currently." he said in a much more calm tone. It wasn't a friendly tone, but it wasn't a murderous one. Astral thought for a second then agreed, he wasn't going to go marching back into the war zone. He knew that he shouldn't be trusting Zed, but after exchanging punches he had a gut feeling that he could trust him. Also, if he headed back to the institute, there was a high possibility the Noxians had already taken over the Institute. Willingly, he followed the master of shadows to a tunneled entrance that led underground, "We're going underground?" Astral asked with suspicion, looking at the dark area.

Zed shook his head, "Yes. This pathway leads to our dojo. The base is in a well protected place to practice the forbidden arts." he answered, before jumping into the darkened pit. Zed's sandals hit the ground, a loud echo rebounding off all the walls as he began to walk forwards. The teen followed, using the light illuminating the hoverboard as a lantern. They went down the tunnel, hearing the many legs of centipedes race beneath their feet.

Astral didn't mind bugs as much as Ezreal, and wasn't scared of them at all. Ezreal on the other hand, would go running when he saw any insect with more than two legs. Hard to imagine he's explored most of Runeterra.

The pair reached their destination, the light from above lit up in the mouth of the tunnel. Zed jumped up, swiftly climbing the cobbled wall that camouflaged their base. Astral didn't bother climbing, and used his board to fly over the wall. When he was out of the cave, he saw a large dojo with many men in masks training away. They were practicing their skills on each other, and were also manipulating shadows. In Astral's opinion, they weren't anywhere close to Zed's skill. He guessed that's why Zed was called the master of shadows.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2015 ⏰

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