Chapter Three

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(A/N) Another update! I'm still drafting what will happen in the story, so the next chapter might be a little delayed. Going to try to make the storyline more interesting! Please leave a vote/suggestion if you have the time!

League of Legends Institute

"Lux. Are you sure the Void are the enemy?" Jarvan asked, his hands rested on the marble table. He wasn't surprised, the creatures of the Void never really communicated with the factions. They were just there; like parasites. The Void creatures all came from the Unknown, no one knew what was is in those lands, except Kassadin.

Though, he wasn't willing to say anything involving the Void. All the Demacian's and Ionian's were gathered for a meeting on how to act and what to do next. Lux nodded, she was taking a gamble. Even though LeBlanc was known as the deceiver, she had a gut feeling what she told her was correct. "I'm sure." she answered in a solemn and serious tone.

Jarvan glanced around the room to make sure everyone had heard what Lux had said, the Demacian's all nodded to each other, the group were about to move onto how to deal with the Void when the door was kicked open by a bulky figure. Lux looked up to see who had entered, was it the Void making the first move? When she heard the person speak, Lux was relieved.

"Well, why don't we just go smash those Void-losers up? Eh, cupcake?" a familiar figure smirked, walking into the room. It was Vi; Piltover's Enforcer. She had huge metal gauntlets that were wider than her own body, Lux couldn't tell how she could lift those giant metal gauntlets.

One time, Vi had left her gauntlets behind in the training room, of course the lady of luminosity tried to return them. Though, she couldn't even budge the gigantic gloves. Lux was amazed Vi carried them around like they were loose pieces of paper, she must work out really often. A woman in a top hat walked up next to her, it was Caitlyn.

Jarvan stood up, "Piltover? We weren't going to involve you..." the demacian said. Jarvan believed two factions were more than enough to handle the Noxians, anymore would be too costly.

Vi glared at the man, "Well, we've already decided to involve ourselves! Take it or break it!" she spat with a rude tone, glaring daggers at Jarvan.

Caitlyn just tipped her hat over her eyes, she was ashamed and humiliated time and time again by her partner. What Vi was saying was that either they take their help, or break their alliance.

Jarvan was silent and then he asked a few of the Demacian's their opinions. Vi waited impatiently, tapping her foot as they conversed between each other. Caitlyn had moved closer to Lux, kneeling down next to the lady of luminosity, she asked, "is Astral okay?" the sheriff asked, her eyes showed deep concern.

She remembered the past of her and Astral, as Caitlyn and Astral were once friends. They knew each other in Piltover. He always called them when he witnessed crimes, which helped Caitlyn and Vi out a bunch.

He sometimes filled in for Vi, going around town with Caitlyn blasting villains with prototype guns. It wasn't exactly the most normal life for a nine year old boy. Astral's mother and father went to the League first, so he was a lonely kid. He was only seven when they left and he would cry for his mom and father every day after they left him. Caitlyn, at that time was managing peace in Piltover full time.

Two years later, when Astral was nine, he boldly introduced himself even though there were bad rumours of Caitlyn and Vi. Ezreal had told him many stories of the famous sheriff of Piltover, and he found her work amazing. He dreamed of meeting her and telling her stories about his own adventures.

"Hi! Sheriff!" the young boy shouted, waving to the lady in the top hat. The black haired boy waved goodbye to his friends with a laugh then crossed the street. Vi glanced to the side, watching the boy running towards them. "Here he comes." Vi whistled, she noticed he was pretty quick on his feet and smirked. "He could catch Jinx with those legs." the woman commented sarcastically.

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