Chapter one

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"Girls from age 12-16 please come down to the main room" Onyx heard over the intercom.She groggily pulled herself out of bed and pulled on a pierce the veil shirt and some ripped jeans. She brushed her long, thick black and green hair. Onyx was a typical emo, but she was well liked in the orphanage. She had quite a few friends but often kept to herself. The little kids in the building adored her and would always love to play with her soft hair, putting it in all kinds of different crazy hairstyles. She loved music and played guitar every night before going to sleep and would also play a sweet lullaby for the little ones. She loved skateboarding and overall had a great life in the orphanage.

Onyx ran downstairs with her phone in hand. She stood next to a girl named Luna, Luna was 13 years old and was fascinated by Onyx. Luna had long thin blonde hair that she often wore in a tight ponytail and had piercing green eyes that you could stare into for years and years on end. She was very tall and fit for her age, but no one seemed to mind. Onyx looked up at Luna and smiled and went back to her music, putting her earphones in. A group of young adults walked through the huge doors of the orphanage, they all wore black and caught Onyx's eye. They all looked familiar to her. "OH MY GOD THEY ARE BLACK VEIL BRIDES" Onyx thought. She was trying so hard not to scream out in excitement, she wanted to make a good first impression on her idols. "So girls these young men would like to adopt one of you" Mary, the orphanage owner said sweetly. All the boys introduced themselves as Andy Biersack, Jinxx, CC, Jake Pitts and Ashley Purdy. Onyx was trying with all her might to not freak out but the boys could clearly tell she was holding in her fangirl. Andy chuckled and said, "You're a fan aren't you?" Onyx blushed in embarrassment. "Yeah I am i've been a fan since I was little" She said quickly in excitment. "Wait... but who's your favourite member?" Jinxx asked  "CC has always been my favourite... but Ashley is very close in 2nd." Onyx smiled. "WE'RE TAKING HER, GIVE ME THE PAPERS" Ashley screamed whilst walking towards the orphanage owner. "Yes sir i'll get them right away." Ashley turned around to see Onyx on the ground laughing as well as his bandmates. "I'll go pack" Onyx panted, gathering herself.

Onyx walked into her black themed room to pack, most of the people in the building waved Onyx goodbye before she went home with her new family. Onyx went downstairs and hugged Mary. "Ready to go kiddo?" Andy asked, reaching his hand out for her to take. "Yepper roo" Onyx smiled, grabbing Andy's hand and walking out of the large building she used to call home. "LETS GOOO" CC yelled as he picked up Onyx and threw her over his shoulder. "CC PUT HER DOWN SHES MINE!" Jinxx screeched, chasing after CC and into the van. "Am I getting kidnapped?" Onyx asked skeptically. "No you aren't" Andy laughed and climbed into the drivers seat as CC got into the passengers seat. Onyx was squashed in between Ashley and Jinxx with Jake in the very back. "Haha poor Jake he's alone" CC teased. Ashley and Onyx started having an intense match of rock, paper, scissors. "So Onyx tell us abour yourself" Andy said looking into the rear-view mirror. "NOT NOW ANDY IM TRYING TO BEAT YOUR NEW DAUGHTER" Ashley yelled quite loudly. Everyone bursted into laughter "T-THAT SOUNDED SO WRONG" Jake wheezed. "GOD DAMMIT HOW?!?" Ashley screeched in defeat as Onyx beat him in rock, paper, scissors. "YOU GOT BEAT BY A GIRL" CC yelled and high fived Onyx. "Um anyway so now that Madl- I'm going to call you Madley for now on, Now that Madley has calmed down I can tell you about myself." Onyx giggled. "Err I guess I like rock music as you can see" She said pointing to her shirt. "And I play bass, drums and guitar a little bit." "YOU PLAY BASS?!" Ashley yelled in excitment. "YOU PLAY DRUMS?!?" CC then yelled. "Jesus... Andy are they always this loud?" Onyx asked jokingly as she rubbed her head. "Yes unfortunately" Andy laughed whilst still focusing on the road. 

"WE ARE HERE BABYYY" Jake yelled as he stretched his arms. "FINALLY, I was about to go insane being squished between two smelly men." Onyx exclaimed, jumping out of the van and stretching her arms and legs. "HEY WE ARENT THAT BAD" Ashley yelled. "Madley shush you're so loud." Jinxx said, "GO MAMA JINXX" Onyx exclaimed and jumped onto his back. "So mean..." Ashley whispered and grabbed Onyx's suitcase. "You are very comfy" Onyx smiled, snuggling into Jinxx's back. Jinxx smiled and carried her into the mansion that the band lived in. Onyx hopped off of Jinxx's back and looked around. "Holy mother of Jake Pitts..." Onyx gasped. "THIS PLACE IS HUGE- IS THAT AN XBOX?!" She exclaimed and ran towards the xbox and turned it on. "WHO WANTS TO GET THEIR ASSES KICKED IN CALL OF DUTY?!" "Language!" Jake said from across the room. "TRY ME WOMAN" Ashley said, grabbing a controller. "You're on BUDDY." Onyx exclaimed and put the disc in. Onyx sat down and started playing... killing Ashley over and over... "WHAT THE HELL?!" Ashley screamed and threw his controller causing it to smash into pieces. "WHAT WAS THAT?" Jake and Andy came rushing out into the living room to see a guilty looking Onyx and a pissed off Ashley. "Who was it?" Andy face palmed. "It was my fault I made him angry" Onyx stood up. "Nah it's fine I got a bit mad, I'll clean it up" Ashley said as he hugged Tundra. "Then can we watch a movie?" Onyx asked giving puppy dog eyes. "DID I HEAR MOVIE NIGHT?!" CC burst in with a huge smile on his face. "I guess so" Andy chuckled and went out to get a few snacks and movies.

After Ashley cleaned up the broken controller, he sat down on the couch and scrolled through twitter. "Hey Ash" Onyx said throwing her uncle a monster. "Hey" he replied, catching the monster whilst still looking at his phone. "How the fuck?" "Language" Onyx sighed and plopped down next to Ashley and layed her head on his  shoulder. "Is da- Andy still getting snacks and stuff?" Onyx asked taking a sip of her monster. Ashley mumbled a small "Yup" and put his arm around Onyx after sitting his monster down on the coffee table. Onyx soon fell asleep, Ashley lied her head down on his lap so she would be more comfortable, Then... Ashley fell asleep as well with Onyx in his arms.

A/N: Welp peeps there you go my first chapter. BTW ASHLEY AND ONYX WILL NOT BE TOGETHER. ONYX IS 12 YEARS OLD AND ASHLEY IS LIKE 37.

Edit: I am well aware of the allegations against Ashley and his departure from BVB but I wrote this story back in like 2016. So please dont attack me. I will be posting a chapter atleast every 2 or 3 days. If you want I can re write this whole thing to include Lonny just DM me but until then I will still include Ashley in this story. I do not support Ashley anymore what so ever but I worked to hard on this story to delete it just because it has Ashley in it. Im deciding to post this story because I would like to get back into posting and writing so please be patient with me.

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