Chapter three

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"WAKE UP LOSERS PALAYE ROYALE IS COMING OVER" CC came bursting into the room. Onyx jolted up. "DID YOU SAY PALAYE ROYALE?!" She exclaimed excitedly. "Nah i'm kidding" CC smirked and walked out, skipping like a little school girl. "I hate you so much..." Onyx mumbled as she pulled the covers off of her. "Love you too!!" CC yelled back. "ASHLEY PURDY GET YOUR ASS UP" Onyx smacked him with a pillow. She heard a faint "LANGUAGE" from downstairs followed by an annoyed Ashley. "What the fuck was that for?" "Language" Onyx smirked. "You're evil" He chuckled and got up out of bed. "Now get out so I can get dressed" he said and pushed Onyx out, closing the door behind her.

10 minutes later

"Ash can you do my hair please?" Onyx poked her head into his room to find him reading a magazine with a naked woman on the front. "Jesus fuck Ashley you have tour for that shit" Onyx said as she covered her eyes. "First of all language, second of all i'm a grown man I do what I want, third of all sure i'll do your hair" He said as he put the magazine down and walked into his bathroom with Onyx following behind him. She stood infront of him so he could brush her hair. "You're hair is so soft" he said as he played with a chunk of her hair "not in a creepy way..." he laughed as he started brushing Onyx's hair gently. "Can I braid it?" He asked looking at her through the mirror. "If you want" she shrugged. He nodded and started braiding her hair. "PIERCE THE VEIL IS COMING OVER FOR THE WEEKEND" the duo heard Jinxx yell from downstairs. "Hell yeah!!" Onyx exclaimed, fist pumping the air. "All done" Ashley smiled, looking into the mirror at his newly adopted niece. They both smiled. "Im happy you guys adopted me" Onyx said as she hugged Ashley. "I love you Ash" "Love you to shortie" He smirked "HEY!" Onyx yelled and started chasing Ashley downstairs. "GET BACK HERE YOU SONIC HAIRED NOOB" "HEY THE HAIR IS BEAUTIFUL " Ashley yelled as he ran away from the small child chasing him. They both ran into something... "VIC FUENETES?!" Onyx exclaimed. "You're shorter in real life..." She mumbled still looking up at him, as she was only 5ft. Everyone laughed at her comment about his height as Vic just pouted. "OH MY GOD MY FAVOURITE, JAIME PRECIADO" Onyx exclaimed excitedly and ran up to Jaime (pronounced Hi-May) "HAHA YOU OWE ME 30 BUCKS FUENTES" Jaime laughed as he hugged Onyx. "God dammit..." Vic sighed, knowing that he had lost the bet him and Jaime had made about who would be Onyx's favourite. Tony and Mike then came out from behind Vic. "TURTLE" Onyx screeched and ran up to Tony to hug him. "You guys know eachother?" Everyone questioned at the same time causing them to laugh slightly. "Yeah one say I was at subway and I forgot my money so Tony offered to pay for me, then we talked for the rest of the night whilst walking around town" Onyx explained. Everyone made an O shape with their mouthes and started talking to each other in little groups of 3 or 4. Onyx and Tony sat down together and started talking. "Sooo how have you been?" Tony asked. "I've been good except for the fact that I start school in like 2 weeks" Onyx said, looking down to the ground sadly. "Hey, remember what I said? Anyone messes with you i'll give them a knuckle sandwich" Tony said, cracking his knuckles. Onyx giggled and nodded, "I'll keep that in mind, Turtle" "No body makes fun of my snowflake" Tony said, pulling Onyx into a hug.

"GUYS LETS MAKE A PILLOW FORT" CC yelled as he rushed to the hall closet to grab pillows and blankets. "HELL YEAH" Onyx yelled in excitment as she bolted out from her room to help CC grab every pillow and blanket they could find. "WOO HOO PILLOW FORT" Jinxx and Jake rushed downstairs to grab chairs and tables. "THIS IS GONNA BE AMAZING" Ashley screeched as he rushed out of his room with blankets in his hand that were from his bed. "You guys are such children" Andy laughed as he shook his head. "By the way PTV went out to get dinner, apparently they're getting mexican" he said as he checked the time. "I WONDER WHY" Onyx and CC said in sync. They started laughing. "ONYX GO GET GET EVERY BLANKET AND PILLOW IN YOUR ROOM THIS IS GOING TO BE THE BIGGEST FORT EVER" Ashley yelled as he poked his head out from the tiny room he had made out of chairs and blankets. Onyx rushed up to her room and grabbed her blankets and pillows. Then she heard a thud and a loud groan from downstairs. "OW THAT HURT LIKE A BITCH" Then she heard Jinxx yell "CC THERE IS A CHILD IN THE HOUSE NO CUSSING" Onyx laughed and went downstairs to see a groaning CC and a Mama Jinxx telling him off for swearing. "GO MAMA JINXX" Ashley, Onyx and Andy yelled at the same time. They all continued on with the massive pillow fort, which ended up turning into a pillow fight. "What the hell did we walk into...?" Vic said as he walked into the house with a bunch of bags of food. The pillow fort group stopped and started at them, then burst into laughter. "GUYS THEY HAVE FOOD" Onyx shouted as she ran up to Vic and Tony, grabbed the food and hid in the fort. Tony soon ran after Onyx and playfully tackled her into the pillows. "GET OFF ME TURTLE IT'S MY FOOD" Onyx laughed, trying to wiggle out of Tony's tight grip. The Fuenetes brothers grabbed the food and walked into the kitchen to work out who wants what.

Everyone piled into the kitchen and sat down at the table. Onyx had to sit on Ashley's lap because there were not enough seats. "I spent $200 on all this food so you all better eat it ALL" Vic said emphasising the 'all' "Yes mother" Onyx said in a very posh voice. Everyone laughed but Vic just playfully pouted. "Oh, Onyx I forgot to tell you Palaye Royale are coming over tomorrow to meet you" Andy told Onyx, taking a bite of his food. "HELL YEAH" Onyx yelled in excitment as she fist pumped the air almost punching Ashley in the process. They all laughed as Onyx got excited. Everyone started eating. "Is it good?" Mike asked. "MHMFF" Onyx nodded vigorously as she stuffed her face with tacos.

After dinner everyone squished into the huge pillow fort. Onyx was squashed between Tony and Andy. She snuggled into Andy's side and watched the movie that was playing on the huge tv. Onyx soon fell asleep only to be waken up a few hours later by all the snoring going on around her. 'Men...' she thought and laughed to herself. She soon fell back asleep i to Tony's arms.


Edit: I wrote this story in 2016. Please go back and read my edit in chapter one if you haven't.

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