Chapter two

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"AWW THAT IS THE CUTEST UNCLE AMD NIECE MOMENT EVER" CC screeched whilst taking pictures of the two sleeping people. "I know right, that is adorable" Andy smiled, also taking pictures. Ashley soon woke up, "You guys suck ass at being quiet" Ashley yawned and rolled his eyes. "Wake up Onyx so we can have our movie night" Jake told Ashley as he sat down on the beanbag. "Mk" Ashley mumbled, slowly getting up, he lightly shook Onyx... nothing... "WAKE UP LOSER" He then screamed into her ear. Onyx jolted up "JESUS CHRIST" She exclaimed, rubbing her head and getting up. Everyone sat down as Andy put the snacks on the table. They consisted of: skittles, chocolate, gummy bears/worms, popcorn, etc etc. Onyx instantly grabbed the two buckets of skittles and held them close. "These are MINE and if anyone touches them, they are dead" she said jokingly as she lied down with her head on Andy's lap and her feet on Jinxx's lap. "Is everyone this comfy?" Onyx mumbled to no one in particular. "Probably I dunno" Andy said focusing on the movie that was playing. "Is this a horror movie?" Onyx asked as she looked up at Andy. "Yup" Andy replied, popping the p as he looked down at his daughter. She nodded her head slowly and started eating a chocolate bar that Ashley had passed to her. "BLEGH" Onyx started choking because she was lying down whilst eating. Andy panicked and started patting her back and soon a piece of chocolate came flying out of her mouth and landed on Jake... "EW OH MY GOD AGH" Jake got up and jumped around, trying to get the chewed up piece of chocolate off of him. "GET THIS THING OFF ME AGHH" Meanwhile Andy, Onyx, Jinxx and CC were on the floor laughing so hard that their stomaches hurt whilst Ashley was filming the whole thing. Jake finally got the piece of chocolate off of him. "Jesus christ I think I might have rabies now..." Jake whispered just loud enough so everyone could hear. "Im pretty sure that's not how it works, Jake..." Onyx started laughing at him. They soon all fell asleep with Onyx in the same position with her head in Andy's lap and her feet on Jinxx's lap.

Onyx woke up in a bed that she didn't recognize, so she flew up and grabbed a bat that was beside her bed. "WHOEVER KIDNAPPED ME IS GONNA DIE" She yelled. She crept towards the door and opened it, peeking out into the dark hallway. It was 4am so everyone was sleeping. Onyx walked down the hall then BAM she walked into a wall... "WHAT WAS THAT?!" A familiar voice yelled. "Ash...?" Onyx questioned skeptically as he lowered her bat.  "What are you doing up?" He asked, scratching his head in confusion. "So I wasn't kidnapped?" Onyx said completely ignoring the question. "What are you on about? Are you high?" Ashley asked looking at the just as confused girl, then they both realized... "oh...haha" Onyx started laughing aswell as Ashley. "What is going on out here?!" Jinxx yelled peeking his head out the door. Then Andy came out of his batcave. "Children go to sleep" He said groggily. "I'm older than you!" Jinxx and Ashley said at the same time. "Im taller... AND I HAVE A SPATULA" He pulled out a spatula, trying to keep a straight face. Then they all started dying of laughter. "GO TO SLEEP" Jake yelled from his room. "I'm hungry" Onyx said casually as she started making her way down to the kitchen when all of a sudden she got swooped up in a pair of tattooed arms. "I'm coming with you" Ashley said carrying his niece down to the kitchen. "I can walk you know" Onyx said stating the obvious. "Am I supposed to care?" Ashley said jokingly as he looked down at Onyx. They reached the kitchen and started grabbing a bunch of snacks and drinks. "Can we watch a movie in your room?" Onyx asked, already heading upstairs. "Sure" Ashley shrugged and picked Onyx back up. "Put me down i'm too fat"  Onyx said, flopping around in his arms. "Bruh" Ashley gave her 'the look' "You're not fat now hush" "Fine..." Onyx said pouting at her uncle. "YAY WE ARE HERE" Onyx exclaimed as she jumped out of Ashley's grip and opening his bedroom door. "Ooo nice room" Onyx said, heading towards the dvd rack Ashley had in the corner of his room. "Want to watch...hmm... Jay and Silent Bob?" Onyx asked pulling out the DVD. "HELL YEAH" Ashley exclaimed, putting the disc in his xbox. "Your bed is huge... I DIBS LEFT SIDE" Onyx yelled climbing into Ashley's bed. He rolled his eyes jokingly and chuckled. "It's huge compared to you! You're shorter then a stick!" Ashley said, teasing Onyx. "HEY!" She exclaimed, smacking his hand. Ashley yelped and pouted. "You're mean" He jokingly saud and put his arm around her in a protective uncle way as the movie started. Onyx snuggled into him and soon fell asleep.


Edit: Don't attack me for this story please if you didn't read my edit in the last chapter please do so now as I explained why I'm deciding to post this story. Thank you!

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