"Find her, bring her to me."

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As Kylo walked down the long corridors of san deck B, he couldn't help but picture his little Starseed splayed across one of the conference tables as he passed each room. He remembers that first encounter everyday and uses the imagery to jerk off most nights when his little fireball wasn't with him. She consumes his every thought, whether he tries to think of her or not, she is there in the forefront of his mind. He'd be lying if he said jerking off in his chambers was the only place and time he did so....No, not with his Starseed. Her every curve, little crinkle of her brows, meek little noises she makes when pleasure was coursing through her body, left him on a high every time he thought of them and it didn't matter where he was, he had to take care of the effects....

His walk to the throne room was becoming uncomfortable as the large shaft in his pants began growing. His leather clad fingers rubbed the bulge in his trouser trying to make his roaring cock heel. It took every ounce of strength in him to not take her moments ago. It would have been glorious. He wanted to, badly. He wanted to slam her against the wall, wrap her legs around his waist, free himself from the restraint of his trousers and sink deep into her core, thrust hard and heavy into her little cunt until her body convulsed, shivered uncontrollably around his dick.

When she had showed him the images she thought of to help her to her climax, he about lost his control. He wanted to make her thoughts reality almost ripping the saber away and eating her up all over again.

He had teased her for a reason though. Taking her to the brink of a climax just to stop completely. Yes it was a jackass move and he was sure she would take care of herself as soon as she got back to her cabin, but he used it as a lesson. She needs to listen to his commands, especially if they will save her life. But the lesson was torture on himself as well and even just thinking of her rectifying the situation made him stiff and ready to fuck.

Kylo's dick hardened in his breeches, the solid shaft rubbing against the seem, making him want to jet off into one of the conference rooms and pump one out real quick. Maybe he could force connect with his little Starseed and make up for his games. He would have, too, if it weren't for the set of approaching footsteps accompanying his own.

"Commander Ren." The proper English accent bounced off the plain walls of the corridor, sending annoyance straight to Kylo's ears. "Ren, you seem to be in a hurry to meet with the Supreme Leader....." General Hux stifled a laugh before proceeding. "Going to share all the gritty details of your lover?" His cheeks flashed the same orange as his hair as his feet finally caught up with the brooding commander.

Kylo couldn't stand the guy. For (Y/N)'s sake, he tolerated him considering she was appreciative of his help on retrieving her and helping him back to the destroyer, but he still couldn't stomach even his presence. The fiery, red headed ass was one of the few who knew what (Y/N) was to Kylo. He didn't truly know of her power, figuring that the earth splitting quake back on the Resistance base was from Kylo or that scavenger girl, Hux never once thought it was Kylo's little Starseed who split the earth with her mind. Kylo wanted to keep it that way. It was bad enough that Hux had figured out that the two were intimate, he didn't need to know she was powerful or force sensitive.

Nonetheless, Kylo's arousal quickly died upon the General's arrival, partially thanking him mentally for the ease now in his trousers. They walked side by side, the General trying to keep up with Kylo's fast, long strides as they made their way to the throne room. Supreme leader Snoke had called upon the two for a meeting. Kylo would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous. They've had many meetings with the Supreme Leader since he's met (Y/N), he was sure Snoke knew of her by now, but still he has swayed the topic, never once mentioning the girl.

"Fuck off, Hux." Kylo snarled through his helmet. The little bastard knew how to get under his skin and would with every chance he got.

"Oh, come on Ren......" Hux chuckled. "Oh, I assume you have already, yes?" His laughter could no longer be contained at his final joke. Hux hackled at himself, his chuckles echoing through the hall. Kylo wasn't as amused as the General and with his annoyance, he force slammed the red head against the opposite wall. He stood solid as stone in the middle of the hall before stepping close and bending down to look into Hux's eyes. Seething, Kylo barked out his force persuasion.

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