"He will use you against me, I know it.

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Kylo's heavy footsteps echoed through the hall of San-deck B as he stormed through the corridor ahead of you. You had been ready by noon, just as instructed, standing in your cabin, or pacing really, as you nervously awaited your correspondence. The loud ding of it ringing from your data pad, making you jump.

You were told to meet Kylo at the elevator and as you had arrived, he stood inside the lift, helmet facing forward, not speaking a word. His breaths were heavy and uneven, the space between you felt miles long instead of the few feet that had been separating you. His hands clenched into fits, the leather of his gloves stretching thin with each flex.

You moved, maybe you shouldn't have, maybe you should have stood still like a statue, but it was too late. You reached out for his hand, slowly clasping it within your palms. He halted, his body tensing, breathing seizing as you held onto him. Something was wrong, something felt off with him. You cursed him in your thoughts. What was his plan? Was he taking you away to kill you? Was he getting rid of you finally? Discarding you in the only way he knows how?

"That's enough....." Kylo's modulated voice growled lowly through the small cabin of the lift. His gaze still facing the door and refusing to meet yours.

"Don't be ignorant." He spat. That was all he said before the doors slid open, opening up to halls and ultimately leading you two where you were now, walking silently behind Kylo with only your footsteps accompanying your nerves.

"Kylo, please, where are you taking me? I'm scared." You played on his humanity, hopefully.

The Commamder froze, slowly spinning and casting his visor down in your direction. You felt small, like a gnat, under his gaze. Feeling like any moment that black hole of a visor would suck you up and swallow you whole.

"There is no point in hiding it any further." He paused before continuing. " I have been instructed to bring you to Supreme Leader Snoke."

Your eyes widened and jaw dropped. Your mind told you to run, that this was a bad idea but your feet stayed grounded, unmoving as you already knew it was futile. Your heart thumped loudly in your chest, your nerves crashing in and out of your veins, racing to your cheeks and making your face flush red.

"He's sensed you here." Your hands crept to the left side of your chest, clutching onto the fabric that hardly kept your erratic heart at bay.

"So what then? Are you just handing me over?" You were unsure where the sudden rush of courage came from, but you decided to ride it out nonetheless. You stepped forward and pointed your dainty finger at Kylo.

"He can't have me, Kylo, I won't go!" You went to move, run back down the hall and hop in the lift, but you were stopped. Not by the force but by Kylo's large arms. They snaked around your torso and waist, pulling you flat against his front, the cold metal of his helmet sending shivers down your spine as he rested it against the crook of your neck.

"He will not take you from me, not yet."

"Yet?!" Your question bounced off the walls. Kylo sighed deeply and spun you around to face him. His leather clad hands cupped your cheeks, long fingers reaching your hair, tips digging into the scalp.

"You have to block all thoughts of you and me. Don't let him see what you are to me, Starseed." Silence engulfed you, surrounded you as it filled the hall.

"You're everything to me, Kylo, blocking you will be almost impossible..." You admitted.

"You have to try." With that, Kylo snatched up your hand and lead you towards a large metal hatch. "He'll be here shortly."

Upon entering through the hatch, your eyes widened at the dark and damp area. The massive stone walls that curved up to the ceiling. The giant round platform in the center.... why was it that big?

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