"Unagreeable Commander of the First Order?"

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The shuttle beeped, letting you know you had arrived at your destination. Upon entering the atmosphere of Cantonica, you first saw the large body of water. You studied the ocean, taking in its beauty as each tiny ripple of water sparkled and shined from the lights of the double moons above. Like millions of tiny stars along the planet's surface, the waves twinkled and danced.

Following the ocean to the shore, your eyes caught the sight of the gambling city. The soft orange and yellow hues of the lights illuminated the many rounded structures and long squared roofs. Though as brilliant as you thought it would be, with the closeness of each building and small streets, it wasn't as large as you expected, leaving your thoughts to question exactly how thousands of creatures could inhabit the area like Kylo had said.

The command shuttle hovered above a large landing pad, seemingly a private pad for the lack of other ships, before slowly descending the air and perfectly landing its feet to the ground. You released a heavy sigh, worry at what exactly awaited within the confines of the city, as you unlatched your safety harness. Your nerves rattled your frame, your hands shaking, hard to keep still while reaching for your duffle bag.

Kylo felt your emotions radiating off you like a beacon. His hands snatching onto your waist surprised you, even more so when he spun you on your heels and pressed you firmly to his chest.

"You're safe with me, baby girl." He smirked, knowing you loved that pet name, and placed a soft kiss to your lips. You deepened the kiss, trying to pull him in closer, if possible, eliciting a growl from deep within his chest.

"Keep this up and neither one of us will be leaving that hotel room for at least a few days." He whispered with his lips still pressed to yours.

"Promise?" You poked, allowing the playful banter to ease your nerves and calm your wildly beating heart.

After your small make out session, the two of you descended the ramp of the command shuttle. The salty night air blew your hair wildy in the breeze, the warm temperature making you close your eyes and take in the warm wind as it caressed your cheeks. It was a welcomed change from the cold, dry scenery of the Destroyer and you thought you could get use to something like this, even if it was only temporary.

Kylo's helmet was placed in its rightful position atop his head but his visor was trained on you. He watched as you inhaled the tropical scent of the new world, wondering if this was the first time you've actually been near an ocean. He loved the way your eyes took in the sights around you, looking from the sea to the buildings, scanning the beautiful star lit sky and watching the streets below. He was caught up in watching you, wanting to hear your thoughts, wanting to give you whatever they wished.

"You are late." The familiar, unamused voice of General Hux broke the moment making Kylo softly growl in annoyance. You looked to see the firey red head stomping in your direction with the look of flat hatred beaming from his features. Did the man ever smile?

"We are stationed at the Canto Casino Hotel. You have the luxury suite of the top floor, I'm sure you'll find the suite to your liking." Hux spoke with a frown on his face.

"How long are we to remain here?" Kylo asked.

"Seven days.....or until we get what we came for."

"And what is that, exactly?" Kylo staring down the General. It was always a power struggle between the two men and Kylo didn't appreciate that Hux had any higher ground over him at all....especially when it involved you.

"I was instructed to inform you on the details of the mission once everyone was settled. We are all settled in already, leaves only the two of you." Hux's eyes roamed over to you, looking your frame over from head to toe. Kylo tensed, stepped forwards and casted his hand towards Hux, crushing the General's windpipe with the force. Hux's face quickly turned as red as his hair, spit leaking past his lips as he struggled to swat away the invisible force that constricted around his throat.

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