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"Noah? Noah!" Natalie said, shaking his shoulder.

He was having another panic attack.

"Oh God! What did I do?" Dream asked.

"Dream, it's okay. You didn't do anything. He's having a flashback of when we were twelve."

"Mara," Dream said.

"Yes," she said, nodding her head.

"All he did was burn himself on the tray. We've all done it. But we've never been this dramatic," Albert said.

Natalie shot him a look. "What triggers you Albert?" she asked.

"The dreams," he said. "They're what triggers all of us."

"Yes. All of us. But Noah is different. He went through more trauma through the curse and The Darkness of Hope. Anything can set him off."

"What could trigger him the most?" he asked softly.

"The memories of the asylum," she said. "When Joey was twelve, he was put into the asylum. He didn't see anyone for five years." She looked back at Noah. "Noah," she said. "I'm taking you back to the Enchanted Forest. Dream, can you stay here and continue to get breakfast ready?"

She nodded her head. She knelt down beside Noah and put her hand on his shoulder. "Noah, I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault," he whispered.

She kissed him on the top of his head. "Go back home," she said.

Natalie helped him up and opened a portal. They went through and came to Natalie and Tosia's room. She laid him down on her bed.

Tosia walked into the room. "What's going on?" she asked, seeing Noah.

"He had a panic attack."

"Oh," she said sadly. She walked over to him. "Hey, Noah?" she asked, taking his hands in hers. "It's going to be okay. I'm here for you, we all are."

"How old are you?" he asked looking at her.

"Nineteen," she said.

He looked back up at the ceiling as the tears came back.

"Noah, you didn't miss anything," she said and she was telling the truth. "The only thing you missed is that Carter and I learned magic and we were trying our best to get you all back."

"You learned magic?" he asked, wiping away his tears.

She nodded her head. "Yeah. I can make clothing and Carter does plants and animals. Prince got really sick a few years ago and Carter healed him. He said that Prince was not going to die until he saw his owner again. He's still here."

"Prince," he said. "Forest. I missed them."

There was a scratching at the door.

Tosia opened it and Prince ran into the room on the bed.

Using a reflex, Noah froze him in place.

"Prince?" Tosia asked.

"What happened?" Natalie asked.

Noah blinked, as the flashbacks came again.

* * *

Eight-year-old Joey was meeting his foster grandparents for the first time since moving into his new home three weeks ago. He had seen Jess the night before when his foster parents allowed him to have a sleepover with her at Audrey's house. His foster brother, Jonah went with them.

Novella 1: He's Still a Little BoyWhere stories live. Discover now