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"Do you think he's going to be okay in here?" Natalie asked after Noah fell asleep.

"I think so. You need a break. I can take him. I am his girlfriend after all. I need to get used to sharing a bed with him."

Natalie laughed.

"Good night, Mommy," Ben said.

"I love you, sweetie," she said, giving him a kiss on his smile. She tickled his armpits and he laughed. "You go to sleep," she said, laughing with him. She kissed his cheek and backed away from the crib. She walked over to Natalie who was looking at her brother.

"What?" Natalie asked when she saw Annie looking at her.

"Nothing. Do you want him back?"

"That's not nothing, and no."

She laughed. "Are you going to be okay?"

"Yeah. Justin's here."

"Oh really?" she said, smugly.

"He's sleeping in Noah bed," she protested.

She laughed and hugged her. "Good night."

"Good night. Take good care of him," she said, walking to the door.

"I will!"

She walked out and closed the door behind her.

"Enough chitter-chatter about me. Go to sleep, An!" Noah said.

She laughed and walked over to the bed and got under the covers. She kissed him and rolled over to her side with her back facing him.

He scooted over towards her and put his arm around her.

* * *

Annie woke up with a muffled scream. She tried to breathe, but her airways were cut off. She tugged at his wrists. She was terrified and all she saw were his deadly-looking eyes.

He blinked and his eyes went soft.

She tried to breathe and scream. She hit his closed hands and tugged at his wrists.

He realized what he was doing. And opened his hands.

She screamed and gasped for air.

She fell off the bed and started crying.

She tried to breathe and she screamed.

"An," Noah started.

She quickly got up and ran out of the room and into Natalie's

He went after her.

Natalie and Justin had woken up.

"No, no, get away from me!" she cried.


"Get away from me," she screamed, still sobbing.

"What's going on?" Natalie asked, looking at Annie.

"I did this," Noah said. Tears were streaming down his face.

She looked at Annie and saw that her neck was bright red.

"Oh my God!" she said. "Noah."

"I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry,"

"Please leave," Annie said, sobbing. Justin hugged her in comfort.

"I'm really sorry," he sobbed.

"Noah, come with me," Natalie said, guiding him out of the room. She took him into the hall and down the stairs. She opened the doors into the living room and closed them behind her. She hugged him and he cried.

"I don't know what happened. I don't remember how it happened."

"Shhh, it's okay," she said softly. "She was just in shock."

"This is all my fault! I should've asked for help and not have gone through this nightmare by myself."

"It's okay now, I promise."

He sobbed and sobbed and sobbed. "I'm so sorry Natalie!"

"It's okay."

"I'm scared."

"Don't be. I'll be right here."

She hugged him for a few more minutes and pulled away so she could look at him. "Let's go back upstairs," she said, wiping away his tears.

"But Annie--"

"You are going to sleep in my bed."

He nodded his head and hugged her tightly.

She sighed in relief and hugged him back.

* * *

A scream filled the air.

Natalie woke up with a gasp.

"What was that?" Justin asked.

She looked beside her and saw that Noah was gone.

"Oh no," she whispered.

"We have to save him before they kill him," Justin said.

She looked out the window and the moon was at halfway point in the west.

She grabbed her cloak and ran out of the room. Justin followed.

"What's going on?" Annie asked as they ran by, but they didn't answer. She heard the screams again and realized what was happening.

Natalie ran as fast as she could. She used her magic to throw the castle door open. She ran down the castle steps and over the bridge into the forest and into the village.

"Jeremy!" a woman sobbed. "Please let him go! Please!" she begged.

"Stop!" Natalie said as she pushed through the crowd.

He released the man who fell to the ground, not moving.

The woman screamed and sobbed.

He stared angrily at his sister.

"No, no," she said. "Everyone back away, right now!" she ordered. They all took a few steps backwards. "Now, somebody get me a pail of water," she ordered.

A teenage boy ran to a nearby well and took out a bucket of water. Then he came back and gave it to the princess without saying a word.

"Please don't let this be true," she whispered to herself. She threw the bucket of cold water at him and he woke up.

"Noah," she said when she saw his beautiful eyes again. Heavy tears came down from her eyes. "What have you done?"

Novella 1: He's Still a Little BoyWhere stories live. Discover now