Snow // Crenny

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There's never anything comforting about snow. Its cold, messy, and overall depressing. Like South Park.

Kenny's never one to complain about it though, instead he's focusing on using any opportunity he has to give to his family. His friends don't really seem to catch onto that considering the most they talk about is him being poor when they do mention him. He only occasionally gets irritated about it. Like now. Craig Tucker picked the wrong day to mention his financial status and now his blood is in the snow. It started on a Friday during the start of winter break.

Kenny lifted himself awake, sitting a bed that clearly wasn't his. He held his head and glanced to the neon green digits on the alarm clock that happened to be next to him. 6:17 AM. Not only was he heavily hungover, but he was freezing. He glanced over to the redhead next to him, they happened to be passed out still so he figured he'd take his leave silently. He grabbed his boxers from the floor and pulled them on and ventured around the room, finding the rest of his clothes and dressing along the way. He glanced out of the window while buttoning his pants and zipping his jacket. The sun hadn't even started to rise yet. There was no way he was staying though, thats how things took off with his ex and he was not up for another one of those experiences. He snagged a half empty bottle of Jack Daniel's, slinging open the door and walking through the house towards the back door. Even though it was early, he was not being seen coming out of a hook up's house. Rule number 47 on hoeing around. He took a sip from the glass bottle and closed the backdoor behind him, his ethanol tainted breath visible in the air. He glanced around for any one he knew, or anyone at all really before hopping over the fence and walking the back way towards his house.

He was cold until the liquor set in, making him numb but not from the cold anymore. On his way into an alley he was greeted by a huff of smoke. Kenneth cocked a brow at the sudden scent and his eyes swiftly met with a familiar face.

'Fuck.' He spoke in his head, a scoff coming from the familiar male near him. Craig Tucker shifted his position on the wall and tapped the ash from his cigarette down into the snow, a look of obvious displeasure on his face. "Great, you. Jesus fucking Christ, you smell like you've been drinking since Monday." The ravenette chuckled bitterly at the blonde, earning a cold stare from the usually friendly Kenny. "I have. You smell like you should have cancer though." Kenny crossed his arms and rested his back against the wall next to Craig, who appeared a lot colder than him. "Wonder how you could afford that." Craig muttered before glancing in the opposite direction of Kenny and taking a last inhale from the cigarette until it was no good, dropping it and pushing the sole of his shoe into it.

Kenny rolled his eyes at the comment, stuffing both his hands and the bottle of whiskey into his jacket pockets. He decided to ignore that insult. "You have a reason for being out this early, or are you just waiting here to make my life hell?" Kenny asked pretty bluntly, they both refused to look at each other oddly enough.

"Look asshole, you stopped."

"So what?"

"If you hate me being around you then fuck off, Ken, its not like I approached you."

"Obviously I stopped to ask you a question."

Craig fell silent, biting at his nails now, which he happened to do when he was annoyed. Kenny watched from his peripheral briefly before scanning the wall in front of them.

"You've always been such a bitch when people try to help you out."

"Glad we broke up so you don't have to deal with it anymore."

Kenny lifted himself off of the wall and faced Craig now, his eyes furrowing as his stare became more of a bittersweet glare. "You're such a fucking asshole, you know that? Jeez, at least I try to make things better." He ran a hand through his blonde hair now, his hood falling off of his head. Craig refused to respond now, enabling a tense moment of silence. Kenny faced away from Craig, watching as headlights passed in the distance.

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