Chapter 8: A Thought for Marion

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The motors of the small 'Pan Am Clipper' plane were rattling as they were getting stronger and stronger. It was casually sitting in the water next to a wharf, while a dozen passengers entered, one being Indiana. He was wearing a grey fabricated blazer with a red tie. Along with his iconic Fedora hat. He was worn out from the night before, he calmly entered the plane and easily found his seat next to the small circular window.
A tall dark haired man with a blue Pan American Airlines uniform walked past with a silver tray of different drinks, offering him one. Yet Indy turned down the offer, he wasn't hungry or thirsty, he was nervous. Indy didn't know what to expect.
He was opposing one of the most feared armies in the world. Jones just relaxed himself, loosened his red tie and pulled his fedora hat over his eyes. It was a long journey to Nepal and it was best for him to rest...


Little did Indy know that a Nazi Spy was on the plane. Reading a 'Life Magazine' was Gestapo Agent, Major Arnold Toht. He was wearing a black small fedora hat and golden, thin, circular glass. He glanced evilly over at Jones like a snake identifying its prey. Then lifted the magazine back up not trying to attract attention over his suspicious look.

Nepal was freezing cold, Indy left the Airport and made his way up to 'The Raven' where he would find his old teacher, Abner Ravenwood. The blizzard was gradually getting strong and stronger. Small pieces of snow were landing in Indy's face. He saw the bright light coming out of 'The Raven' up ahead. And lots of foreigners walking out, laughing and drunk. They were wearing thick grey ear mittens, blue cozy coats and brown furry boots.
Jones opened the creaking wooden door to find a big 2 story pub, and standing behind the bar was not Abner, but his ex girlfriend Marion cleaning up the small wine glass cups at the sink. She was wearing a green buttoned up shirt

"Hello Marion"

"Indiana Jones, always knew some day you'd come walking back into my life" Marion smirked.

"I never doubted that. Something made it inevitable. So what are you doing here in Nepal?"
Indy walked closer to Marion the two were staring at each other...

"I need one of the pieces you father collected"

Marion wiped the original smile off her face and looked angry at Indy she got her left hand and slapped his chin hard in anger. The sound of the hit echoed in the building...

"I learned to hate you in the last 10 years." She walked off frustrated.

"I never meant to hurt you" Indy pleaded

"I was a child. I was in love... It was wrong and you knew it."

"You knew what you were doing" Indy harshly replied

A small man slowly opened the door and walked in, ready for a drink.
"Now I do! This is my place!"
Marion looked at the small eskimo and shouted for him to get out. The man argued and walked out slamming the door.
"I did what I did, you don't need to be happy about it, but, maybe we can help each other now." Indy said directly to Marion and continued talking
"I need one of the pieces your father collected. A bronze piece, with a whole in it off centre with a crystal. You know the one I'm talking about..." Indy asked
"Yeah, I love it."

Marion started cleaning more of the small wine glasses and neatly placed them back in the cabinet.

"Where's Abner.?" Indy questioned.

Marion walked past him with a tray of glasses, not listening.

"Where's Abner?" Indy raised his voice

"Abner's dead." Marion shouted

"Marion I'm sorry"

"Do you know what you did to me, to my life?"

Marion dumped the glasses of the tray violently, staring at Indy full of hatred

"I can only say I'm sorry so many times."

"Well... Say it again, anyway"


"Yeah, everybody's sorry. Abner was sorry for dragging, me all over the earth looking for his little bits of junk. I'm sorry to still be stuck in those drive."
Marion answered sarcastically.

"Everybody's sorry for something" She said

"It's a worthless bronze medallion, Marion, are you going to give it to me?"

"Maybe. I don't know where it is."

"Well, maybe you could find it. Three thousand bucks."

"Well, that'll get me back... But not in style" Marion replied

"I can get you another two when we get to the states"

"It's important Marion"

"Trust me" Indy smiled

Indy put the money into Marion's hand.

"You know the piece I mean" Indy said

Marion laughed,
"Come back tomorrow"


"Because, I said so, that's why."

Marion sat down on the wonky table

"Ha! See ya tomorrow Indiana Jones." She smirked.

Indy left, shutting the door behind him.
Marion quietly took the golden medallion from inside her blouse. She stared at it, and examined the head piece.
She glanced at the money in her other hand. And with that, left the golden medallion on the bench...

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