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"He steps into the enemy's territory, why?" a voice asked with his common deep tone that lingers to the omega's ears who is laying down the bed.

"I don't know why he did that..."

Joshua hears the other one answering the question, he slowly open his eyes, covering the bright light of sun that's hitting straight to his face.

Hoshi and Wonwoo glance at the omega and they got alert.

Joshua slowly turn his head to the alpha and the omega like him, "why am I here?" Joshua hissed upon leaning his back on the headboard of the bed and Wonwoo assist him.

"hey, don't force your body to move yet. slow down hyung" the pitch black haired omega said putting pillow behind joshua.

"is there any part of your body still hurt aside from your foot?"

Joshua glance at the omega and make a small sick smile, "I'm fine. And, nothing else hurt aside from my foot. But, I wonder where i got this... did i trip down or something?"

He motion his head to hoshi who's frowning and parted his lips together before looking at Joshua.

"Hyung, a wolf attacked you a while ago... we brought you here so that wonwoo will treat your wound" Hoshi said and bites his bottom lip after.

Joshua sigh when he recalls what happened earlier. An alpha went above him and about to rip off his head when another growled at the back of the alpha and...

there his wolf, Shua shouted mate inside him.... mate?

they did just found their mate. Yet, he's on the other side of the land. The land that he can never go or even step on it.

His frustration grows upon thinking of the thought. What's worse is he never got a chance to see his mate's face.

what a bad day-

"hyung, are you okay? is your head hurt?" Wonwoo asked as he place his palm on the latter's knee.

Joshua was flooded by his thought that he did not even know that his hand is already in his head. He moved his hand down slowly and glance at wonwoo.

"I- no. I was just thinking of something-" he was cut off when Hoshi hissed, that made him and Wonwoo glance at the latter together.

"I was thinking. Why did that person behind you growled at the wolf above you. He glared at the wolf above you also...." Hoshi furrowed his brows, hand on his chin.

"what are you trying to say?" Wonwoo asked

"What I'm trying to say is, it could be that that person is somehow didn't agree of killing you or he wanted to have a share to your body, so that they can devour it both or even with his friends too or... he's yout mate." Hoshi said thay made Joshua look down right away and starts playing his hands.

Wonwoo glance back at Joshua, "which do you think... hyung?"

Joshua didn't utter a word and just lock his eyes on his fingers.

"Aha!" Hoshi yelled exaggerated that made the omega beside him jump on his chair. Wonwoo hits him.

"Oww, what's wrong with you?" Hoshi pouts

"damn you bastard, don't shout and-" Wonwoo stops when Joshua spoke.

"the third one" Joshia mumbles and pouts.

"what do you mean the third one?" wonwoo looks confused.

"H-he's my m-mate... i think-" Joshua flinch when Hoshia scream and nudge to wonwoo's shoulder.

"I told you my guts is right.... Wahh finally you found your mate hyungg" Hoshi said awwing after and pinch wonwoo's shoulder.

Wonwoo shoved the alpha away and glares at him. "Stop it, you clingy bastard"

"i know you like my touch" Hoshia teases.

"What the hell? eat your touch, bitch. i don't need one. Especially coming from you" Wonwoo glared.

Hoshi makes a hurt action with his eyes squinting and then he pouts. "you're so bad to me... I hate you" he said while pouting.

"I hate you too since birth and sorry you're not my type." Wonwoo said.

"Hey, don't fight please." Joshua said smiling at the two. "I love you both as my little brothers and don't fight about my mate. We still don't know yet if he's worth fighting for" Joshua said with a serious tone as he turn his head tocthe window for a bit.

The two stops, Joshua look back at them again and smile. "Come here give me a hug" and with that the two rushes to him and they hug.


right now, Seokmin is with Seungkwan the beta and Jeonghan his brother's mate.

The beta and the omega have been waiting for the alpha to talk.

Seungkwan's annoyance grow and, with that, he finally poke the alpha who  been in his deep unreachable thought.

"Hey, can you please stop spinning the pen? it's making me dizzy and what's inside of your small brain right now?" Seungkwan asked loud and clear so that the latter could hear him.

Jeonghan gasped before covering his mouth not to laugh.

Seokmin pouts and gkancr at seungkwan, "you're rude... I have brain though."

Seungkwan raised an eyebrow, "did i tell you, you don't have one? I just said small brain not no brain. Now you look like you don't have a brain. are you a zombie?" he asked

Jeonghan on the side, is still holding his laugh. He sighed and shush the beta. "Ya, seungkwan stop that now. Seok, what's wrong.."

Seokmin groan, He meet his mate in a very bad timing. And, he thinks what will his mate feel now about him and his friend. I hope he's fine...

"Yaaa, Seokmin-ah... stop that thought will you and try to open that to us."  Seungkwan asked whining.

"My mate, he's from other pack" seokmin said scratching his nape at the back.

"wahh, you found your mate? Wow congrats! btw what pack is he belong?" Jeonghan asked with full of excitement.

"man that's a good news! and yeah, what pack?" Seungkwan exclaims.

"Our enemy's pack..." seokmin mumbles now it even harder for him to get his mate.

"oh, that must be hard now.." jeonghan mumbles to as he moved his arms cross to his chest.

"Yeah, and Seungkwan did you remember the boy that we saw last time at the nack of our house?"

"Yeah why?"

"It's him..."

"Waah it's him.... but- waahh just wow" Seungkwan said in disbelief.

The sky started to gets gloomy as gray clouds starting to appear. The weather is neing matchy to Seokmin's current situation right now.

He is down and stress about his mate. Even though, they did talk but he's thinking of how will he get a chance to talk to his mate.

While he is in deep thought, the clouds above is colliding and forms darker clouds. Afterwards, A lighting flashed appear from the sky and its light travels down to the land.

All of them look at the lightning that was followed by thunder and whose end look landed straight at Seokmin's house.

All of them stopped from doing their businesses and started running towards the place where the lightning hits.

They went to the backyard of their house to see a burning boat at the river and whose owner of the boat is now floating in the water, not moving anymore.



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