Meeting Phineas

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The police were intrigued by the kids' claims, especially after they provided proof. They accepted the kids offer for help, saying that, unfortunately, something like this happened before. And they found it best to gain the trust of the victim child before taking action to bring justice to the one responsible.

They said they would send someone to confirm the predicament and call them when they have an idea of how to proceed, and the children left with their respective parents.

The police kept their promise and informed O.W.C.A since they could more easily figure it out while they themselves looked at old missing person files, first sorting by age, then reducing it by the descriptions. What they found was a surprise indeed.

A platypus was alone in a backyard before adorning a brown fedora and pressing a secret button on the floor, jumping into a tunnel that opened up nearby.

Perry the Platypus zoomed down a tunnel before plopping on a chair in front of a large screen where an old man with a mustache came up. “Welcome back Agent P. Turns out Doofenshmirtz might be a little more tricky than we thought. We have reason to believe he’s keeping a boy at the age of 8 locked up in a room. Kept there since he was a baby.” 

The screen showed a picture of Phineas then another depicting where they guessed the window was. “We don’t know why Doof has this child or even if it was a false report. You know Doof’s building best. We need you to see if you can find this boy, and take pictures to prove he’s there. If you can sneak a spy camera to keep tabs on him then do. Do not make contact with either him or Doofenshmirtz. Lucky for us he hasn’t done anything particularly suspicious as of late.” Perry saluted, “Good luck Agent P.”

Perry jumped into his hover car and flew off towards Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated. He steered clear of any cameras unlike when visiting the Doctor and he purposely let Doof see him. The building has more blind spots than any this size he’s come across.

He hovered in one of the blind spots and used his binoculars to look into the suspected window. Sure enough, behind drawn grey curtains, Perry could clearly see a boy perfectly matching the picture and description, drawing with pencil at a desk. To Perry, it also looked like he could be humming with a small smile.

He took pictures and snuck closer. He brought out some of the world's smallest cameras and secretly placed them so they could see every angle visible from the window. Perry trusted O.W.C.A to delete anything filmed that was inappropriate such as him changing.

Mission complete, he took one more look at the kid. So innocent looking, but pale from lack of sun and far thinner than anyone that age he’s come across. 

He looked at the art and was impressed at the boy's skill. ‘That explains where the Doc gets all the art pieces he sells. I’ll be seeing more of you, I’m sure,’ Perry thought as he snuck back out of the sight of the building.

As he flew away, he got a call from Monogram. “Turns out the old doctor can’t take a break after all. We’ve picked up in inator activity inside the building. Get back over there and stop it.”

Perry saluted again and turned around, this time allowing himself to be caught by the cameras. ‘Time for your daily Therapy session Doc,’ Perry thought as the trap enclosed around him.

-A few Days Later-

Phineas hummed a tune that was in his head for as long as he could remember as he drew. He never knew what his father did with the art he took with him outside the room, but he was always happy to see his father happy and being rewarded with a hug longer than just a second.

He heard something knock on his window and stopped for a second before he kept going on his drawing only for him to hear the same sound again.

He looked out the window and fell off his chair with a shrek when he saw some kind of teal animal with an orange duck bill on a hovercraft outside his window!

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