First Day of Freedom

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Ferb woke up to his alarm, shortly followed by a thud. He groggily turned off his alarm and stretched as the previous day's memories came back. ‘Wait. We never told Phineas about alarms!’

He looked to the other side of the room to see Phineas looking at him, wide eyed, from the floor next to his desk chair. “What was that?!”

“Alarm,” Ferb told him, showing off the clock. “We set the clock to a certain time and it makes a loud noise to wake us up at the desired time. It won’t go off till tomorrow morning.”

Phineas nodded, warily looking at the clock as he stood up. “I just wake up when the sun does.”

Ferb looked out the window and the sun was up. Because of the time of year and how far up it was… “You’ve been awake for half an hour?”

Phineas smiled. “I can’t sleep when the sun’s up. I fell asleep so quickly when the sun went down because a lot happened yesterday.”

Ferb nodded and grabbed his day clothes. Phineas, taking his lead, grabbed one of his shirts and the jenes. Once the two were ready, they went down the stairs and Phineas sniffed the air, “What’s that amazing smell?”

“Breakfast,” Ferb told him, leading the way to the kitchen.

They entered to see Linda working on something on the stove. “Good Morning boys!” she greeted. “I think this is the fastest you’ve ever come down Ferb.”

They said nothing and sat down.

Lawrence came in and smiled at the boys. “Looks like we’re just waiting for Candace,” he said, filling a kettle with water and setting it on a spare place on the stove.

“Till then,” Linda placed a serving of eggs on two separate plates. “Here you go boys.”

“What’s this?” Phineas asked, looking at the yellow mush, poking it with his utensil with four sticks coming off it since he saw Ferb using that to eat it.

“Scrambled eggs with salt and pepper,” Linda said, sitting down. “I can grab some salsa if you want more flavor.”

Phineas poked the eggs, curious before he poked it with the tiny sticks at the top of the silver thing and used it to pick it up, putting it in his mouth.

The taste was different than anything he could remember. Not surprising since he basically only had Sandwiches and Pizza. He decided it would be best to just eat despite feeling like it was missing something. He never had good experiences with complaining about food made for him.

He focused mainly on eating while the parents talked. He began to pick at the meal, not finding that he wanted more, even if it was only half gone.


He looked up, now noticing that Candace came in and was eating her own plate.

“You okay?”

Phineas nodded, “Yeah, just not sure if I want to keep eating. It’s alright but, I don’t know.”

“You’re probably just not hungry,” Lawrence said. “You don’t need to feel pressured to eat everything since you’re not used to it yet.”

Phineas smiled, thanking him. After they showed him how to preserve the leftovers for later consumption and where to put the plate, Lawrence began to show him how to use the home Phone. He explained that there might be times both the parents were out and they all needed to know how to use the phone to contact them in case of an emergency.

Lawrence was explaining the TV when the doorbell rang, startling Phineas.

“It’s okay,” Candace assured him. “That was the doorbell. There’s a button outside people can push and it makes that noise to alert us someone’s at the door.”

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