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School was nearing its end and Phineas could act like a normal person at all times. He still had trouble remembering he was allowed to eat whenever he wanted, and was hesitant to leave the room without permission. But other than that, he acted like a normal yet insanely smart little boy.

The two boys made a great duo and began to do what some would say would be impossible every weekend. With Ferb’s skills, and Phineas’ imagination, they made a great team.

Much to Candace’s dismay, Linda and Lawrence had no idea about any of it since they started building a week after they began to give Phineas more space.

“Come on Mom! You need to see,” She looked at the empty yard. “Ahhhh!”

Linda looked in the yard, “Hey boys!”

“Hi Mom!” Phineas greeted. He started referring to the Flynn-Fletcher’s as his family a month into being with them. Even if they weren’t sure about him being their real son.


“Now,” Linda turned to Candace. “Where’s the Monkeys juggling Bicycles?”

“They were right here!” Candace exclaimed.

Linda shook her head. “Anyway. Who wants some snacks?”

“We do!” Phineas said as the two boys ran into the house.

Candace groaned, following them.

They all gathered around the table, Lawrence was there, looking at a pile of letters. Linda was pulling out some pretzels when Lawrence smiled, holding up a letter.

“Looks like we’ll get answers today!”

Everyone looked at the letter and smiled to see it was from the ward of the hospital they did the DNA test with. Expect Phineas. He looked terrified.

Linda took the envelope, handing it to Phineas. “Would you do the honors? This was for you after all.”

Phineas took the letter, looking at it nervous.

“Well, go on chap,” Lawrence said.

Phineas took a deep shaky breath. “Before I do, you’ll still let me stay even if I’m not your real son. Right?”

Linda placed a hand on his shoulder. “Of course. If you aren’t my son by blood, we’ll get the adoption papers straight away.”

Phineas nodded, made eye contact with Ferb where he sent him a reassuring look, then opened the letter.

He read it silently before he burst into tears.

“Phineas?” Candace asked as he hugged Linda tight, dropping the paper.

Lawrence and Candace tried to clam Phineas down, while Ferb picked up the paper reading it to himself before smiling.

“I do believe those are happy tears,” He said, pointing out the part where it confirmed his relation to Linda.

Linda soon joined her son in tears as the two hugged, Candace wrapping her arms around them both.

Lawrence and Ferb stood to the side. “Look at them,” Lawrence said. “Our family is now complete.”

“It has been since he called you his parents for the first time,” Ferb replied, happy that his step-brother is able to say Mom with the same confidence as anyone else.

Phineas and Ferb were in their rooms. Dinner was on its way, leaving Ferb to read on his bed and Phineas to draw on his desk. This was the position Phineas would normally be, especially when Ferb was at school. Unless Linda asked him to do something, he was learning an instrument (unknown to his parents), or he and Ferb were in the yard, it was him and his art.

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