Chapter 2: Target Locked

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                                                                     (Devin's POV)

"Come on Book, I bet you can easily pull on this dating website, IG is played out you ran through them all, time to settle down killa." Karl called out to Devin who was across the gym lifting. Not really paying mind to the prior conversations.

Karl was tired of Devin running through girls, it was just a game to him. Borderline sociopath, he was intrigued that he had the control to break someone's heart. He loved playing around with emotions. Everything was a game to him. The idea of settling down was like missing a place you never been.

"Yeah brodie I hear you.." Devin responded half-heartedly unwilling to listen, finishing his rep moving on to the next exercise.

"I just don't want you to be alone, I mean I found Jordyn. You can find someone too. You still crashing on my couch and there's no excuse. The youngest rookie in the league crashing on a futon?"

Devin did have a lot going for him, success wise. The youngest rookie in the league, endorsement and shoe deals, commercials everything, in the starting line up for the Los Angeles Lakers. He manifests himself as the American dream and charming. But in the shadows he is Cold hearted.

However, he did need someone new to sink his claws into, IG was already played out his name is all over the gossip blogs. Why not find someone new and innocent? Devin decided to play Karl's game. He switched up and played the victim.

"Why would anyone want me in my current state? The only thing I am good for is crashing on your couch and raiding your fridge" Devin grabbed a towel, wiping his face. Seeing if Karl bought his lie. It was true that he was sleeping on the couch, only was to escape the paparazzi after a recent break up with a starlet. No remorse for the nasty breakup but he just wanted to get away.

"All I am saying is this is a chance to get you off my couch and pull you away from the twitch streams, people are sick of seeing you rage. And quite frankly you loud as fuck" Karl replied passing Devin a bottle water.

"How about we make a bet?" Karl sighed, he hated making bets with Devin everyone did because they lose, He was too competitive.

"You have my full attention, but don't cry like a bitch when I win." Devin smirked setting the bottle down with his arms crossed.

"Sign up with this dating site, fall in love, meet the person & let me meet them... then maybe I can pull some strings for a trade to the lakers."

Karl plays for the New York knicks, he loved New York but he loved Devin more. He wanted Devin to find someone that cared for him.

He held his hand out to seal the offer he was making. Devin sat back and thought the offer over for a moment. He did want Kat in LA, he thought less of his teammates, only stays to continue his father legacy.

Devin was elated he knows how to mask his emotions, Kat did not know what he agreed to.

"Deal But if I so happen to move her in. You gotta let me have the Range."

The Range Rover was gift from friend to Karl, Devin didn't really want it but just for the sake of the challenge Karl has to put it on the line.

Karl played with his lip contemplating Devin's offer "Wow move her in?... like an actual serious relationship? I mean I'll make the bet but I do not believe you can actually pull through."

"Bet. We have to pick the girl together though" Karl continued. He had a different type of vision of the girl Devin should be with. Devin always picked wrong.

Devin was excited at the thought of Karl coming to LA was enough for him to agree. He hardly ever lose so this one he wasn't losing.

"Sure whatever, but it's not like you'll be fucking her with me. Unless.." Devin gave a smug smile. They were wild in their college days where they would share the same girl multiple times.

"Aint no unless.. just tell me where to be to get fitted for my tux as your best man" Karl replied, pretending to adjust a bowtie while looking through profiles trying to find a match they both agree on. This meant a lot to Karl, Devin helped countless of times throughout college, if it wasn't for him there would be no NBA. Finding someone for Devin was the least he could do.

Devin's heart dropped to the pit of his stomach the thought of a wedding and commitment was sickening to him. That feeling quickly passed as he snapped back into reality there was no way he was going to fall for someone over the internet.

"I already knew that you were going to accept, so I signed you up and got you started, you verified and shit too" Karl tried to read Devin's face that gave no expression.

"Found one, come check her out " Karl gave a gentle smile looking through Cherri's profile, he knew that Devin was going to be attracted to her. She was petite with long ebony ringlets of soft curls and waves. Her eyes were pecan brown, with long and full eyelashes. She was a warm tawny complexion. Karl could picture him and her together now.

"That was quick, who's the target?" Devin laughed moving closer to the screen.

Devin's facial expression softened, he just felt a connection. But it wasn't enough to call off the bet. He was excited that he could possibly see her cry over him. He was ready to break her for pleasure. He quickly gained composure, fearing he would let Karl see his reaction.

"She'll do." He said bleakly.

.Karl nodded with a smile with a sense of accomplishment, not knowing what was ahead for Cherri.

"Get to it Killa." Karl dapped Devin up before leaving.

The attraction was there, one that he could not deny. But he needed something to catch her attention something she can tell her friends. He had a big ego, he loved when women pumped his head. He desired for her to tell the story on the first time they met.

He sharpened his mind to come out with a lovely introduction.

"What's good? I saw the images you took at a protest that's dope as fuck. If we don't get out and do something who will?


Devin read his message three times before making the final decision to send he felt pretty good about the message, even though it wasn't much. It was enough to get her talking.

His mind was flooded with future conversations with Cherri and possibly flying her out one day.

Cherri replied quickly, quicker than expected. Awaken him from his wicked plans.

"So fucking right, I hope this don't come off weird. But I've been doing a google search on you and I cant believe its you. To prove that you valid, can you send a picture or something. Not trying to call Catfish, don't need Nev and Max in my business J.

- Cherri T.

Devin slightly smiled. She wasn't eager to be flown out and she wasn't asking for anything out of the normal. But it was imperative he wins this bet. He couldn't possibly lose sight of that while getting caught up with someone over a website who only typed a few words.

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