Chapter 5: Legendary

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Devin appears on the screen, with a wide smile you could hardly see his eyes. Cherri observes his background taking in the city lights of LA from her NYC apartment. Neither them said a word, for a moment. Devin broke the silence.

"Yooooo Cherri T! Don't get quiet on me now." He leans forward trying to gage her surroundings.

"Ain't no one getting quiet on you fool, just trying to see if you a scrub or not!" She jokes with him hoping he would joke back, he returns the energy.

"Me a scrub? We all know that's you mamas." He fakes a New Yorker accent leaning back on the couch laughing.

Cherri already loved his voice, a deep velvet tone that warms her. She was already crushing, she was hoping he would feel the same. He noticed her pull her hat over her eyes. He begins to smile, why couldn't he stop smiling? In a way she reminded him so much of Maya.

Cherri turns her head to the side admiring Devin's shirt and presence. He was confident, and she admired that he makes for the things she lacks.

"Please excuse the hat Bookie, I woke up from my nap as you know.. I cant let you seeing yo girl out her looking a mess." Cherri bites the corner of her lips, playing with the small ring on her finger, hoping that he wouldn't mind the nickname she given him.

Devin leans forward into the camera trying to get a closer look at Cherri and her hair. He already accepted that she was beautiful. A natural beauty, she would fit perfectly with the family. But he believes he wasn't ready for that.

Devin blushed realizing Cherri already gave him a nickname. "Bookie" he whispers and gives a small smile. "I like that Cherie amour."

The rooms were silence but one a comfortable one. A silence that was waited on for years, where there wasn't any pressure. Just a moment for both to catch their breath from previous heartbreaks and relationships. A moment to take.

"I like your shirt, red is your color, plus you have a nice chest, no missing chest days for you." Cherri smiled leaning her face on both of her hands. She couldn't stop taking Devin in.

"My sister, Maya gave it to me. Anything she gives me is lucky.. hasn't let me down so far and it definitely didn't let me down tonight." Devin said proudly in a small voice. He opened up the shirt a little more showing off his chest.

"I see you like the chest huh?" he makes a silly face attempting to make Cherri laugh. Cherri gave a sweet laugh, with Devin joining.

"Well, tell Maya I say thank you." She winks crossing her legs to show them off while taking a sip from her tea. She thought she was going to need more than one cup, tea tends to calm her down but with Devin there wasn't a need.

Devin stares a little while before speaking.

"That really means a lot! She'll love to hear that, I was reading your profile and you mentioned you studied psychology so I took it upon myself to look up some facts." He says proudly. "We're going to be laughing a lot more while we're together so check this fact out." He pulls out his phone ignoring a message from the hookup that is supposed to be coming later that night.

Do you know what they say about laughter in psychology?" Devin asked excitedly..

"No enlighten me" Cherri placed her mug beside her directing all of her attention towards Devin. She was completely flattered Devin took time to research what she likes.

"That laughter is an affection which is the result of an over-strained expectation that suddenly dissolves into nothing" Devin turned his head to the side waiting for Cherri's opinion.

Cherri thought over the theory for a little while she was intrigued there were more to him besides basketball. Cherri needed a guy with a little depth someone where he can have practical debates with, someone to hold a conversation about anything under the sun until the wee hours of morning. Devin could be that guy she hoped.

"I think it's just who you share the laughter with, if it's been shared with you I don't think that affection could ever end." Cherri gave a serious look; she knew that was a risky comment but she was done playing safe.

"I want to share many laughs with you as well and I hope that never ends. " Devin says calmly.

"So you know I play ball here in LA, but what exactly do you do?" Devin smiles, becoming interested in her life wondering what takes her time and could it get in the way of them.

"I am a creative, I do some of everything right now my focus is film. But other times, you can find me researching, painting, drawing, I am learning how to play the piano, so anything really." Cherri was proud of her profession she worked hard to be a respected artist.

"What are you working on?' Devin was in awe, he always had admiration for creatives, he worked with a lot of them in the community Maya loves art so that got Devin involved. Cherri folds her legs closer to her wrapping her arounds around them. Wishing she was cuddled up with him, touch was her love language and Devin made her want to express that.

"A documentary" Cherri blushed playing with the keyboard, not wanting to disclose that he was featured in this documentary, she didn't want to lose him yet. Cherri feels Devin's eyes on her and loves every minute of it. 

"But I mean I can play you Get you by Daniel Caesar I've been working on that for a little while." She smiles, glad that she can share something new she learned with Devin, other than the film. She picks up the phone, to position it on the piano. Devin gives a pleasant smile noticing how focused she was adjusting herself. He loved how she sat with her legs crossed while playing.

"Don't laugh." She points at him and smiles. She begins to play perfectly without missing a note. He was impressed that she only being playing for a little while. He takes screenshots of her playing while continuing to ignore the calls from the hookup.

Cherri finishes giving Devin a big smile and a bow.

"You're incredible, Don't forget about me when you make it big" He claps and smiles back at her, she had him wrapped around his finger.

"How can I forget about a boy who interrupts my beauty sleep!" Cherri grabs her phone moving back to her original spot.

"Why LA? Cherri says solemnly wishing Devin was in New York with her.

"Because I didn't know you at the time." Devin laughs before giving her a serious answer. Scratching his head trying to figure out why he chose LA.

"It's absolutely beautiful here the people are full of passion and life, there's no boundaries here in LA, plus Kobe he was a huge influence on me being here."

"You don't seem like in LA guy" Cherri shook her head in disbelief she once loved the thought of LA. But everyone seemed out of touch for her, New York was her home. "You seem genuine not fake, and vapid." Cherri's facial expression changed in her eyebrows.

"LA is cliché but I have a cliché dream. I'm not talented outside of sports." Devin smiles sadly, he wished he could be creative like Cherri, he wanted other talents.

"Come see me, I can teach you somethings." Cherri had a sincere look on her face, hoping Devin would take time to see her. Devin avoids her comment still trapped in his mind. But appreciated the notion of Cherri wanting to see him.

Silence creeps back into the space, but it would never be uncomfortable for them.

Cherri broke the silence. She could never run out of things to talk about with Devin.

"Who are you? And I really mean who is Devin Booker? I want to know your whole story it won't all happen tonight, the mind wasn't created in a night, but leave me with one word that defines you."

"Legendary." Devin didn't hesitate. He wouldn't hesitate this time when it comes to Cherri, this was an opportunity to finally feel something real, give it chance. This night was legendary in itself. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2020 ⏰

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