Chapter 4: Five minutes

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Devin POV:

Devin paced attentively around the living room, in anticipation. Even though he was treating this virtual date as a bet. It meant a lot to him he didn't want to sound gawky, he wanted to appear like the perfect guy that Cherri would want, he practice his speech in the mirror while fixing his hair. He spent a lot of time perfecting his voice, to sound haunting so that it would be all she could think about.

"Yoooo, Cherri T It's Devin." he rehearsed in front of the computer screen hoping the call from Cherri wouldn't pop up unexpectedly as he was practicing, although he is cocky and arrogant he struggles with making the right first impression.

"She already knows your name you ditz, just chill and think happy thoughts". Karl walked in the room laughing. He heard Devin rehearse for a good amount of time before making an experience. The same cheesy lines over and over again. He never saw him this nervous. 

"I heard you're finally retiring from being an asshole" Jordyn appeared adding her input. She became friends with Devin over the past several months. 

"Who said anything about me retiring?" Devin looked back with an immense smile at Karl and Jordyn hoping they would give their hopes up about him finding someone to settle down with. 

Devin wore his red blouse with white flowers. His lucky shirt. His sister Mya gave it to him a couple of birthdays ago. He wore it every special occasion. He loves Mya more than anything in this world. She saw the good in him, a side in him that was rarely shown.

"You're wearing your Mya's blouse again". Jordyn's eyes widen she the significance behind the shirt and was happy he was wearingl. Karl's eyes grew large staring at Devin's shirt, he knew the meaning behind it as well but didn't want to jinx the date. 

"Kat and I cleaned the room and added some candles, so it would give the romantic feel... because it is technically the first date right." Jordyn added with a warm smile straightening up the bed. Devin smiled taking in the room, appreciating Jordyn for her help.

"Me and Jordy will be in the other room, I don't want this girl getting only fans content the first time she sees you." Kat added with a smile, hugging Devin playfully.

"You're worth the wait Book don't do something you'll regret you never know she could be recording you." He jokes while Devin strolls through his phone looking for his next hookup.

A notification alert from Cherri appears: 

Just woke up set an alarm clock just to talk to you... sucks living in two different time zones. Although we are only three hours apart, a girl gotta get her sleep LOL Give me five minutes :)! 

Devin smiled a little, he loved when girls moved their schedule around for him. Although it was only 7pm for him in LA, it was 11pm for Cherri. 11 was early for him he began to wonder what her days looked like. Could she possibly make time for him? 

"She's about to call now." Devin motioned for Jordyn and Kat to leave who was putting the finishing touches on the room.

"Please, tell us how it goes because you know I am invested in this too. " Kat added before leaving with Jordyn. Devin sat playing with his phone waiting for his hook up to confirm times later on that night.


"Five minutes you're giving me five minutes to set up all the equipment."

Thea grumbled hooking my mic up. She hated being rushed fearing that it would shy perfection. I didn't get a good nap, instead I prepped what I was going to say and rehearsed the questions I'm planning to ask.

"I'm sorry, thanks a lot for your help I owe you one.... like all the money we'll be getting from this film." I tell Thea while fixing last minute things like my hair, the lighting and hidden cameras.

I need for this to be perfect, I want to look back on this exact moment where I broke out of my shell. Even if it jeopardizing my name and reputation as a film maker and researcher. 

"Just as long as you're happy, that's all that matter even when you rush my ass." Thea said. Inspecting the room making sure everything was in place.

"Are we good here you need anything else? Just don't get extra nasty on camera please you know I will be reviewing and editing. Your extra cameras are behind and beside you they are hidden so it doesn't look weird, act natural for God's sake, uhm also speak loud enough so we can hear what you are saying."

Thea gives her last remarks before kissing my cheek and returning to her room.

Not completely satisfied with my hair so I went to my lucky hat, Thai gave me and an old t-shirt my mom use to wear, items that gave me comfort. The line lingers for 3 seconds before he picks up. I was not ready for what I would feel. 

Chapter images 

Devin's living room :

Devin's living room :

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Devin's outfit: 

Cherri's outfit: 

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Cherri's outfit: 

Cherri's living room: 

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Cherri's living room: 

Cherri's living room: 

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