Electric experiment

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I was still unconscious. I fell some thing on my wrists but I don't know what is it. I started to wake up. Ow that hurt I said while I look at my wrists. They were handcuff. I try pulling but it did not work. Ugh I hate these handcuffs I said while I got angry. Then all of a sudden three Kraang came in. The Kraang will take the turtle know as Michelangelo will come with Kraang one of the Kraang said. Let me go why do you need me and what are you going to do to me I said getting worry and scared. The Kraang need what is electric that you have know as Michelangelo that the Kraang needs the Kraang reply. I hate to break it to you but I don't have my powers anymore Bishop took all of my powers so sorry I said. The Kraang research that the know as Michelangelo has his powers still that the Kraang need the Kraang said. What I said in shock. The Kraang got my hands and drag me to their lab . When we got their the strap me to a table and got a needle and it's pointing to my head. Umm what is that thing I said. It will take some of your blood and the Kraang will see how we get those powers that the Kraang need the Kraang said. Then what next are you going to do I said a little worried. Kraang will take over the world and kill the know as Michelangelo Kraang said. WHAT I said getting scared. They started to get the needle started. Raph, Donnie, Leo help.

Hi ninjas sorry that I haven't been updating I hope you like it. I hope mikey will get save or will it be to late let's fine out. Goodbye ninjas.

Plan 20/ electric Mikey Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum