Step one check

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Mikey: Kraang lair:
After they took my blood and left me I look around to see if there is a way out. Then I found a knife I grab and was trying to throw it a the button. So I can get free.

"All most got" I said but then I drop it. "NO" I said. Then the Kraang came in and went to me and pick up the knife. And put the knife away. Then the Kraang came back to me.

"The Kraang has found a way to get you power the Kraang will get started" the Kraang said. Then the Kraang went and grab something. "Wait what are you doing" I said. "The Kraang is gonna take your power away with this helmet that take a power away and give it to Kraang prime while we do the Kraang will torture you" the Kraang said. Then Kraang prime came in.

They put the helmet on me and got the wires and attach to Kraang prime helmet. "Whoa can we talk this over I'll give some pizza if you let me go" I said getting scared. "No. Kraang start the helmet" Kraang prime said. The Kraang turn it on and said "this will take awhile." Then Kraang sup prime came in with knifes and electric lazier. I gulp.

I got cut on my arms and legs. The he got the lazier and zap me ten times. "Owwwwwww"I scream. I had bruises all over me. "Stop it hurts" I scream. "Never well stop until your died" Kraang sup prime. I was now really sacred.

Coming up: 

Yes it's working

Wait don't kill Michelangelo he will be bait for the turtles to be destroy.
Leo Donnie raph help

I hope you like it see ya ninjas

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