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I want to mention if you like this, then vote on it. It literally only takes about a second, if not a few, of your time. I'm asking you not to do it on this alone, but as well as on other stories you enjoy

Writing is a hobby of mine, so I'm doing it free of charge. Not like I can make money off of fanfiction anyway. That would just be so unbelievably ridiculous. So that's why I'm asking you to please vote if you like it. Supportive comments are nice and all, but frankly feel a little empty without a vote on the chapter to go along with it. You don't know what support does to a writer's morale unless you've experienced it for yourself. On top of that, voting also helps a story do better in the algorithm which means more people are likely to see it.

Treat me and others with respect. You can disrespect me all you want—use me as your punching bag for all I care. I don't know who you are and you don't know who I am so it means absolutely nothing to me. The only weight negative behavior carries is my negative view of you as a person. Others might see you as the kindest sweetheart for all I know, but all I see is an entitled jerk. Respect should be unconditional and mutual.

That being said, I'm sorry if the latter part of the note comes off as aggressive. To be honest, I needed to blow off some steam.

I really do want to get along with people, share laughs with them, cherish them.

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