Chapter 76

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Because we're
Going to the chapel
And we're gonna get married

All I hear are the sound of children laughing and yelling as I walk up the front steps to Harry's house

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All I hear are the sound of children laughing and yelling as I walk up the front steps to Harry's house.

I can't believe my british bitch and ginger spice have five fucking kids. Are they actually insane? Do I need to check them into a mental hospital?

Five kids.

Absolutely fucking not.

In the future, I might be able to manage one or two. But five?!

On the drive over here, I had a not so bad conversation about Disney princesses with the little girl, Sadie, Guinevere and Natalie adopted a while back. But the fact that Harry has five...I always knew I was the sane one out of the two of us.

"Uncle Austin?" Juliet questions when she answers the door.

"Juliet, what did we say about answering the door?" I hear Harry's voice in the distance.

He is soon to come into view of the front door, shock instantly coming across his face when he sees me. "Austin?! What are you doing here?" Harry asks as he walks over to me to greet me with a bear hug.

When he pulls away, he looks behind me briefly and seems to notice the others who are standing at his doorstep. He looks back to me with furrowed brows. "Brought the whole gang!" I say as I place a hand on his shoulder.

"So, Amanda and I woke up this morning," I start to say as I reach my free hand to wrap around Amanda's shoulder. "And we said, fuck it! Let's get married today!" I continue. "So we picked up Guin and Natalie, and their little one, and drove over here!"

"Dad!" I hear a little voice call out, followed by light feet pattering against the hardwood floor. "Dad!" She repeats as she brings her tiny hands to tug at Harry's pant leg. "Dot took my crayons!" MJ adds.

"I didn't take them, I borrowed without asking." I soon hear Dorothy chime in as she walks over.

"Come on in, guys." Harry says to me with a tight lipped smile before reaching down to pick up Dorothy to pry him off of his leg. "How about you guys share the crayons?" He says to her as he steps back to let us all in.

I shut the door behind me once we all enter. "Sadie!" Dorothy cheers happily when her attention turns to everyone who just walked in the house, squirming in Harry's arms to try and get down.

"Or go play with Sadie, that works too." He laughs as he puts her down to go run off with Guinevere and Natalie's little girl.

"You seem to have your hands full here, Harry. Where is Venus?" I hear Guinevere speak up behind me.

"She should be home from work soon. Today is actually her first day back from maternity leave."

"Awesome! Gives us plenty of time to set up for the wedding!" I quip.

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