Chapter 1 - Prologue

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*Michael's POV*

April 30, 2013

The boys and I were out at a restaurant during our break. We were just hanging out at home in Australia after about two months of being on tour. We had until June 11th when we needed to fly to Florida to begin touring again.

The boys and I were laughing and having a good time like usual. It was fall in Australia, and it was kind of cold out, but it was okay. We finished our meals, then just walked around, joking. We weren't really walking anywhere in particular, but it was fun that way. We walked around a little bit, then went back to the restaurant to get our car.

I drove to Luke's house first. We all walked in and talked to Liz for a long time like usual when we dropped Luke off. We said a hello to Andrew too. We said goodbyes, then left and drove towards Calum's house.

I said hellos to Joy and David from the car before driving away. It was just Ash and me in the car now, so we were just driving towards his house, but Green Day was blasting through the car.

"Don't wanna be an American Idiot!" He yelled.

"Don't want a nation under the new mania!" I yelled back.

"And can you hear the sound of hysteria?!"

"The subliminal mind FUCK AMERICA!" I emphasized 'fuck America'.

We were laughing so much that we missed the next verse, but then he sang, "where everything isn't meant to be okay!"

By this time, we were at Ashton's house. He got out, and began walking up the sidewalk to his house. I yelled out the window, "BYE ASH!" and waved. He turned around, waved, yelled back, "BYE MIKEY!" then turned back around and kept walking.

I drove towards my house then, and I got there, parked the car and began walking up the porch steps. On the top porch step was a little basket with a beautiful baby girl in it. There was a note in the basket also, and a suitcase beside the basket. I took the basket with the baby and the suitcase inside before reading the note.


Happy first chapter!! Haha. So what do you think the note says?

Also, Add me on snapchat! @irwinxx5sos

-Lizzie xx

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