Chapter 1: A case and SINGLE HORN found

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(Wade's POV.)

I woke up and got out of my bed of the Avengers Facility and went to the kitchen with Velvet along with Sam and Dean.

Me: 'Time for my breakfast... and by breakfast, I mean one thing... pink-frosted sprinkled donuts.'

I go towards the cupboard to get some of my pink-frosted sprinkled donuts and saw that the bags were empty.

Dean: "We're out."

Me: "There were three bags of them yesterday!"

Sam: "We killed it."

I sighed, looking at what they were doing.

Me: "What are you doing?"

Dean: "We have a case."

Me: "Ok. What is it?"

Sam: "A father was killed with a shotgun blast to the face, although the weirdest thing is that no one had broken into the house."

Dean: "Meaning one of the people that was in the house was a shapeshifter."

Me: "Well... what are we waiting for?"

Dean: "We?"

Me: "You guys aren't doing it alone... besides, you might need a Mutant with the ability to stop time just in case the murderer tries to attack any of you."

Sam and Dean look at each other, knowing I have a point.


(TimeSkip to Dean's Impala.)

As we were all arrived at the house, I was looking at the sweaters that Velvet and I are wearing.

Me: "Why are Velvet and I wearing sweaters?"

Sam: "You and Velvet are going as trauma councillors from Vale services to talk to the witnesses."

Velvet: "Why trauma counsellors?"

Dean: "Because if you came and say your actual names, there's a chance the mother would call the police."

Velvet: "I see."

Dean then gives me a contact card before I look at him with an odd look.

Me: "What's this for?"

Dean: "The card is for the mother."

Me: "Ok... then."

I put the card in my pocket as Velvet and I got out of the car and walked to the door.

I knocked on the door and it slightly open, showing who I believe is the mother of the child.

Me: "Hello, I'm Dr Perry Yuki and this is my associate, Dr Vanessa Rhodes."

Velvet: "We're trauma counsellors and we're here to follow up on a report that was filed in yesterday."

????: "Oh... come in."

The mother opens the door fully, allowing me and Velvet in her home and leads us into the living room, with the daughter on a chair, with a Poochyena Plushie.

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