Look What You Made Me Do

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"I don't like your little games
Don't like your tilted stage
The role you made me play
Of the fool, no, I don't like you
I don't like your perfect crime
How you laugh when you lie"
-Taylor Swift "Look What You Made Me Do"

Harry was curled into Draco's side when he woke up. He thought of their first time the night before and smiled to himself. He kissed Draco's shoulder but the love of his life did not move or make a sound so he got up to use the bathroom and get dressed. Harry checked if Draco had woken up but he had not. He quietly went down to the kitchen to make himself breakfast. During his meal, Harry received an owl from Narcissa about coming for tea. He replied that he would be there around one o'clock. He looked the time and realised how late it was. It was already noon. Harry quickly finished his breakfast and quietly went back to the bedroom he shared with Draco, only to find Draco still asleep. He was surprised but he knew it had something to do with their activities the night before. He tiptoed out of the room to use the guest bathroom to get ready for tea at the Manor. After he was finished getting ready, he checked on Draco one last time. Harry kissed him on his shoulder again and left a note for him on the nightstand saying he was summoned by Narcissa.

Harry tiptoed his way down the stairs once again. He checked the time once more. Surprisingly he was a bit early but he knew Narcissa would not mind. He apparated out of Grimmauld Place hoping Draco would not be cross with him for leaving without saying goodbye. If he was, he would make it up to Draco somehow. When he apparated into the Manor, he stumbled like he always did.

And of course Severus was there to greet him. "Ever the graceful one, Potter. It is always a wonder to me that our world still stands because of you when you can not even apparate properly. You are so much like your father. The klutzy hero." He smirked and sneered.

Harry straightened himself out and huffed in frustration. "I am nothing like my father. Yes I believe he was a great man but he kept many prejudices. I refuse to be like that. Our world needs someone who can bridge the gap between houses and blood statuses. And I would like to think that I could be that. I mean I'm actually friends with Slytherins and I'm dating a Malfoy. You and I have put most of our differences aside. We are all just people at the end of the day after all. Why can't everyone just get along? It's bloody frustrating!" He sighed.

Severus rolled his eyes at Harry's rant. "Potter, you are like your father in many ways but it seems that you have learned from his mistakes. You are a better version of what he was. You saying that you could be the person who could bridge that gap is very Gryffindor of you. Though if anyone could it would be you. I am pleased that you have made friends with some Slytherins. They make brilliant and cunning friends and that can always be useful. You making my godson happy and in love is quite nauseating but I am thankful. Draco deserves to be happy. As for you and I am pleased that we have worked out most of our issues. I will not argue that we are all just people because that is quite true but it is the long standing traditions of our world that caused the gap in the first place. I am not sure if there will ever be a time when blood status will not matter and what house you are sorted into will not matter. It is a lovely kind of thing to think about though. I do hope it happens. Between you, Draco and Hermione I am sure you will think of something."

Harry was about to reply when Narcissa walked in. "Ah welcome Harry! I do hope Severus has been hospitable." She smirked at Severus. "What were you two discussing before I rudely interrupted?"

Severus cleared his throat. "Potter and I were discussing who could bridge the gap between blood status and house sorting. He seems to think he could. Though, he may be right but he will not able to do it alone like he seems to think. It will be a team effort, much like defeating Voldemort if I remember correctly."

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