Don't Miss Dinner | Sapnap

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Warnings: Underage drinking, injuries, a swear


Dream was pissed to say the least. He was standing outside of the restaurant with George, tapping his foot. He wore tan pants with a nice green button down, while George wore white pants with a blue crew neck.

"Who shows up this late to their own birthday dinner?!" Dream exclaimed.

George was trying to stay neutral, maybe understanding Sapnap's point before getting mad, "Maybe he got caught up in something? He texted me some of his school friends came over... but he said it shouldn't interfere..."

Dream turned his head sharply around, "What?! And you decide to tell me now?!" Dream starts walking over to his car. He turns around towards George, "Well get in!" George runs after him, getting into the car along with Dream, Dream slamming the door shut.

They drove in silence towards Sapnap's house, mostly George not wanting to say anything to make Dream more mad and Dream too angry to talk.

They pulled up to Sapnap's house, all lights on and stereo blasting. There were cars lined up almost along the whole road. Dream found a parking spot opposite to Sapnap's house, getting out while George followed behind.

"Wait Dream!" George called out.

"What?" Dream said, stopping.

"Let's not be too mad at Sapnap, alright?"

Dream chuckled sarcastically and continued walking, while George was nervous. He didn't know what happened to the "few school friends" but didn't want to jump to conclusions considering it was Sapnap's birthday.

Dream opened up the door, no one even noticing he had entered, most too busy dancing. Dream started looking around for Sapnap among the people dancing. He was about to head upstairs till George met up with him.

"At least wait for me next time."

They were about to head upstairs till a few people stopped them, "Who are you?" A person at the stairs asked.

"I should be asking you" Dream answered while glaring, still mad at Sapnap and annoyed this guy had the audacity to stop him.

"Hey! You know who you're talking to?" The stair guy answered back.

Dream was about to say something else until George cut in, "We're good friends of Sapnap's, we're looking for him."

"Good friends huh?" The stair guy looked at the others, and the others shrugged, "Alright, just making sure we're letting through people we can trust" the guy looked over at Dream, but then continued on, "We don't know where he is, probably drunk in some room, the man can't handle his liquor.

Both Dream and George were surprised at this, and Dream wanted to swing at the stair guy, but George stopped him, "Thanks!" They passed by the guys while walking down the hallway.

"Liquor?! Sapnap's only 19! Heck even I can't drink." Dream told George, frustrated.

"Everyone has a little bit of alcohol at college parties Dream, let's just hope he's okay."

Dream scoffed, but they continued to search for him. They looked through some of the rooms together. They entered a guest room, quickly glancing the room and were about to leave but then Dream walked into the room.

He walked around the bed to be sure no one was there, and ended up finding his friend there, passed out onto the ground.

"Sapnap?" Dream questioned.

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