Ash | Sapnap

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Implied death

I wrote this all the way back in September ( ;∀;).


A candle was lit next to a table. It illuminated the whole room, the sweat dripping off the woman's face, the pain visible on her face. There was another woman next to her holding her hand, worry mixed with encouragement on her face.

Outside the room a storm went on, the wind howling. Though you could still hear the scream of a woman and a cry of a baby.


Fire was something that always enticed Sapnap. The way it danced and moved, he could feel a connection to it. The way it freely moved, not caring what tried to stop it, it would spread to no end, never stopping. He liked to dance with the flame, replicating the movements it performed.

He would feel heat on his hands, sweat dripping down his forehead. He heard his mom cry out, looking at her like she had seen death flash before his eyes. The young boy was confused, what was wrong? He looked down to see him touching the flame. It wasn't supposed to be right, but he seemed to control it.

He carefully moved his hand away, keeping the flame within his hands, "Ma look!"

"Honey, step away. You'll hurt yourself."

"No I promise! It's safe, it's warm, it won't hurt anyone."

The young boy thought wrong. He watched as everything burned around him. He screamed when ash covered his hands and lap, where his mom had once laid. He cried, watching as a picture burned, running away after watching his face burn with the flames. They never hurt him, so why'd they hurt him today?


He never thought of love after that, everyone he got close to was taken from him, though he never blamed the fire. The fire was the one constant in his life. He learned from it, it learned from him, and they continued in an everlasting dance of love and hate, warmth and cold.

He never thought of love, not until he saw a boy with a mask, secrets of his own. His laughter seemed to light up the room, and Sapnap was entranced. Something else that had heat.

The two traveled together, not asking why the others were alone, an orphan and runaway were all the two had of each other. They carried their own secrets, never revealing.

It wasn't until Sapnap had revealed his own secret it all went down. He thought this was it, he would leave just like all the others. Sapnap ran through the burning forest expecting to find the familiar ash, but when it wasn't there he cried in relief, something he's never done before.

He traveled to a local town that night, staying in a motel, his first night on a bed, his first night slept with some sort of relief. When he awoke in the morning he was torn, look for his friend or leave and never seek him again.

He gave in, not wanting to let go of his other source of warmth. He headed to a local restaurant to maybe look for news there. He saw him there, wanting to run over there and give him a hug, but not for two reasons.

He saw the boy sitting there, laughing while talking to another. Sapnap looked at the other boy, seeing one with enchanting eyes. He saw his pretty smile, the ways his eyes shined, and felt warmth again.


The other boy wouldn't keep secrets. They knew about him, but he didn't know anything about them. Dream handled it well, telling him he had a scar, which is why he kept private about his life, he didn't want to talk about it. Sapnap was surprised the other revealed something about him, Sapnap never asking him anything.

Sapnap was different, he didn't understand why they had to say anything. They were like this for a few years with Dream, why did he have to reveal anything to George? Why couldn't he understand?

Sapnap was furious, the two getting into a full blown argument. Dream tried to reassure Sapnap it was alright, reaching out a hand towards Sapnap. Sapnap instinctively grabbed his hand, not seeing him and only out of the corner of his eye, startled.

Dream quickly retracted his hand in pain, a red mark left there. George was confused, Dream was in pain. George grabbed Dream's hand to examine it, wondering how the other got injured. Sapnap looked at Dream fearfully, tears dripping down his face,

"I'm sorry."

Sapnap ran, George calling out to the other with a hasty apology. Sapnap didn't care, he ran, tears dripping down his face. He needed to get out of the forest. When Sapnap was out of breath from crying and running, he stopped. He looked behind him to see the familiar red and orange.

Sapnap ran back, trying to keep his emotions calmed but failing to do so, instead panic settling in. He tried to outrun the fire, not knowing when the fire started. He couldn't seem to outrun it, it was too quick for him, him emotions taking him over just as the fire did.

He found his camp, finding some of his own supplies intact, but everything else was not fine. There he saw ash.


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