Almost Ditched | Sapnap and Dream

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It was Sapnap's turn to hunt for tonight. He sighed, getting out of his tent but not before grabbing some torches and some weapons.

He started walking away from the camp until George called out, "Where are you going?"

"Hunting." Sapnap retorted with a bite to his tone.

"Hunting? This late?" George asked looking up at the sky.

Sapnap glared, "Well considering we have no food, yes. I'm going hunting." Sapnap quickly turned on his heels huffing as he walked away.

Sapnap heard footsteps running behind him and was about to turn around and yell at George to leave him alone until he's met with Punz's startled eyes, "Punz?" Sapnap questions, also caught off guard, "Why are you here?"

"What? I can't follow? I'm hungry too and I don't trust you to get the food." Sapnap rolled his eyes, continuing down his journey while Punz followed him.

In truth, George was worried. George told Punz to follow Sapnap so he wouldn't do anything reckless. They knew how Sapnap could get when his emotions weren't kept in check, and there was no way they would be kept in check after having a fight with Dream. Dream was sleeping in his own tent, so there was no way he could've made up with Sapnap at the moment, maybe they needed to both sleep on it.

They stepped on roots and branches sticking out of the ground, the moonlight shining above them, lighting up their path so there was no use for the torches. They knew ahead of them was a lake, so Sapnap turned right into the forest.

"Not going fishing?" Punz asked, Sapnap stayed quiet.

They continued to walk in silence, the main reason now being not to scare any prey off, or bring attention to any predators. Sapnap stopped walking making Punz stop walking too. Punz looked up at Sapnap then looked around to see what caused him to stop, arms still loosely crossed.

Punz's eyes landed on a small rabbit. Punz wanted to sigh in disappointment, even if they got the rabbit there was no way it was going to feed all of them. There was no point in going after it, but Sapnap thought differently.

Sapnap started to run towards the rabbit, making Punz shocked. Before Punz could even react Sapnap was out of his grasp while Punz yelled, "Sapnap wait!" Running after him.

Sapnap was fast though, faster than normal. He quickly lost Punz but Punz tried to follow his footsteps. He was getting farther and farther, until he heard a sort of yell. Punz wasn't sure if he imagined it, but he decided to investigate the noise considering it was the direction he was chasing in.

He quickly ran to where he heard the noise, but there was nothing there. He tried calling out for Sapnap, hearing nothing, absolutely nothing. He could no longer hear the distant footsteps, only the sound of some distance wolves howling. Punz grew worried, making sure to check the whole surrounding area, nothing was there.

Punz ran back to camp, worry starting to fill him up. He would never admit it, but that didn't stop the feeling. He thanked whatever force was out there when he still saw the fire running and George waiting outside, maybe he was too worried to sleep.

George caught sight of the frantic Punz, Punz reaching a halt trying to catch his breath and explain to George what happened. George couldn't understand a word he was saying, trying to calm Punz down, "Punz slow down, what is it? Where's Sapnap?"

Punz swallows standing up straighter, finally catching his breath, "He's gone."

George felt a twist in his stomach, was this some sort of sick joke? The look in Punz's eyes begged to differ, George quickly gathering a torch and a sword. He nodded at Punz, sparing a glance towards Dream's still tent before taking off after Punz.

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