Chapter 26 = A Close Meeting With Death

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After school I saw Derrick waiting for me. I went to greet him.

"Hey." I said.

"You ready?"

"Yeah, let's go."

I didn't really remember the way to the police station but I knew that Derrick was leading me so I just focused on him.

After a little while, I thought that we should've reached the station but we hadn't so I Iooked around and saw that it was all sandy and there was no sign of human life.

"Um... Derrick, where are we?"

"Amantha, Amantha, you seriously didn't figure it out yet?"

"Um... no. I have no clue where we are."

He slapped his face. "I was talking about the killer."

"Oh, yeah. It's Officer Hanley. The tickets prove it."

"Wrong. Those were fake ones that I had forged them. Officer Broke arrived here for the first time a day after Officer Broke's death."

While Derrick was talking, I quietly dialled Carol's number. The moment he picked up, I began talking.

"Okay, so who is the real killer?"

"Me, of course."

"And where are we?"

"We're in the deserted sandy area. No one ever comes here but it's easy to find. Not easy to get out unless you were paying attention which you weren't. Why?"

"Oh, just... because... wanted... to know," I stammered, "Why did you kill Claire and Officer Broke?"

"Because Claire and that 'Broke' found out who the killer was. I need what is in your family's not-so-secret-vault-anymore."

"What's in it?"

His eyebrows furrowed. "That's not my story to tell."

"When did you come here?"

"I came the day I broke into your house."

"All those texts, all the times you were right outside my house, the way you made it look like everyone else was a suspect but you. You planned it all along. From the moment you killed Claire. You didn't even know her." I started sobbing.

"I didn't need to."

For a second he looked away from me and I took that moment to start running. I didn't run back from where I'd come but into the desert. I kept the phone call on and slid it into my pocket.

I thought that I would get away but my leg got stuck between two branches on the ground and I fell face first into the dirt.

"Well, well, well," I heard Derrick say, "You should know that neither can you outrun me, nor can you escape me."

"Are you going to kill me?"

"Yeah, because now you know who the killer is. My job is not yet done. Carol will probably figure everything out soon and I'm going to have to kill him then."

"But why did you tell me who the killer was? Why bother telling me?"

"If you went to Officer Hanley and he somehow proved that the tickets you have were fake, you would obviously think I was the killer because I gave them to you. So I thought it was better if I brought you someplace where no one would find you."

"Did you kill your mom?" I suddenly blurted. Even I was surprised by the sudden outburst.

"No, she died because of cancer a year back. I just told you that lie so that it would give me a reason to side with you and throw you off-track."

He knelt down beside me, pulled my leg out and then took a knife out which he slightly pressed to my throat, but hard enough that a small cut formed and it started to bleed.

"You know," I began, maybe if I could praise him, it would give Carol enough time to come and save me, "Come to think of it, the plan, your plan was kind of brilliant. I never suspected you to be the killer. Not in my wildest dreams, not even for a second. This is the most brilliant plan I have ever heard of."

He slowly ran the cool metal blade up and down my cheek. "I know right?"

"People should have a smart brain like yours."

He stood up, extended his arms and said, "I am the world's greatest..."

I didn't hear the rest of the sentence. I got up and ran, again.

This time back the way I'd come but as fate would have it, I fell down again.

"Amantha, Amantha, Amantha. What did I tell you? I was going to make your death easy but know I'll make it slow and painful," He pressed the knife against my throat, "Any last words? You won't say any when you're in pain."

I thought for a moment then quickly murmured, "I love you Mom and Dad. Carol, I'm so sorry. You'll never get away with this Derrick. Carol will kill you. I know him."

He laughed, "Yeah right, like that piece of junk is going to kill me. You don't know him, Amantha."

"I do."

"Well, time's up. Look at the sun it's the last time you'll see it."

I looked at the sun and then felt this feeling in my heart. It was like a rhythm with pounding and cheering, without the happy part, demanding me to survive. I wanted to live and survive. I didn't want to die at thirteen.

I looked back at Derrick and then closed my eyes for the last time.

I waited for the pain, for the blood, for the cry of agony but it never came.

I opened my eyes and saw Carol holding Derrick's arms with the knife on the ground.

"You're wrong. This isn't the last time she's going to see the sun." I heard Carol say and in the distance, the police sirens.

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