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"What a sight for sore eyes Brighter than a blue sky"

It was Christmas week and all students got a week off. almost everyone but Mark and Renjun went back home.

You see, Mark couldn't go back to Canada because... well he ran away,

 Renjun on the other hand was kicked out, I mean living with strict rich parents who walk in on their son making out with their neighbor's son, isn't the most pleasant thing they would want to see.

So here's how they spent it:

When it comes to spending the week, Mark would spend the first 2 days with his other friends and a few cousins that lived here.

Renjun, well, he didn't really have anyone here besides his friends who all went back home, and Mark of course, so instead he would spend the few days before Christmas at his favorite coffee shop, painting alone.

then on Christmas, the day after and before (24th,25th,26th) he and Mark would find themselves in one and others embrace watching some random rom-com or Harry Potter, though Mark insisted he was way hotter than the male lead, Renjun would disagree with him, making the older pout, which Renjun would find adorable :((.

At least, that's how they spent the last 7 Christmases together, this time Renjun got a text from Mark rather than the boy himself

"Hey I know this is on short notice, but I won't be able to come this Christmas, I have sudden plans"

well damn...

and what did Renjun do? well, he cried,
Mark knew Renjun had no one else, sure few hyungs would gratefully invite Renjun for Christmas, but Renjun was going to confess to Mark this year, and now he cant. 

Just great.

*time skip to next day*

It was Christmas morning when Rejun was woken up by his phone ringing, groggily he woke up, his eyes burning due to him crying the whole night, yet, he answered his phone

"Merry Christmas Injun-ah!"

Poor Renjun had too pull his phone away from his ear, due to the loud person on the other end

"Merry Christmas to you to Jungwoo hyung"

"You are coming over for lunch, Taeyong hyung insisted because he knows Mark isn't there to spend it with you"


So that's were Renjun was headed, to Taeyongs house, who was engaged to Doyoung, they both made a very cute couple, they would fight regularly yet would always melt into each other's arms.

Renjun was in deep thought about meeting his hyungs after a long time when A familiar voice caught Renjuns attention, way too familiar in fact, he could recognize the voice from a mile away.

His head jerked towards the direction of the voice, and immediately the small smile he had on his lips fell,
he felt hot tears stream down his cheeks and his heart felt like it was stabbed continuously. 

he stood frozen, his feet stuck to the ground when he came back to his senses, he ran, he didn't know where he was going, but he ran.

What seemed like hours, he finally sat down on a bench, and instantly, he burst into tears, he felt the eyes off the people around him, but he didn't care, he couldn't help his emotions, that seemingly didn't stop.

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