Evil Lady Gisela

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SUPRISE!!!!!!!! YOU'LL NEVER BELIEVE IT!!!!!! QUADRUPLE UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!! Someone please remind me to do that for Auburn Sky, really. 

So, another short chapter.

What if..........Lady Gisela.........put Keefe in the coma thing.......just to get him out of the way???? I mean, Elwin theorized that Keefe would get an ability, but whether he does or not, it doesn't' change the fact that Keefe won't be doing anything big soon. He can't get in the way of any plans for Lady Gisela, and maybe she's decided that he's been uncooperative enough. She's determined to have him embrace his legacy, but what if all that was fake? She's saying things to get him to agree to this.


And this is why Lady Gisela wins mother of the year award.


k bye that's it.

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