Chapter 1: Firebird

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I gazed up at the black ceiling, watching the saturated clumps of dust tumble towards the ground. My ears were still clogged with water. The only thing I could hear through them was my own heart beat. The water surrounding my body rushed back, scattering away from me. I looked forward to see Twelve pulling the water into his hands. I watched as the water curled around his limbs, obeying every command he gave it. Twelve and I used to be friends. We even promised each other that if we fought, we would refuse, refuse to fight, but as soon as Doctor put us in this room, Twelve didn't hesitate to try and end my life. My heart started to pound even more but it wasn't with fear. Anger started to pry it's way into my heart. I dug my fingers into the rough fabric of my suit, pushing my heavy body up to a standing position. "You lied," I growled through my clamped jaw. Twelve just stood there, the water dancing around his light brown hair, his once black eyes glowing ocean blue. My hand jerked with a small twitch. My cheeks burned and my head throbbed with burning pain. I could feel my own eyes light up red. Everything became a sudden instinct. My rage and pain came flooding back. The fierce instinct to survive shot through me like an unexpected chill. A shudder curled up my spine. I felt energy, heat, and power flow through my burned veins. I could feel...something rage in me. Something powerful. I looked forward, straight into Twelve's glowing eyes. Twelve extended his arms, throwing the water my way as he let out a warrior's cry. I squeezed my fist together, my center sprawling with heat. The fire crept up my throat. I opened my mouth and let out an earsplitting scream. Fire flew out of my mouth as the pain and anger transferred into it. I opened my palms and fire rushed out of them. The room was engulfed in flames, the water evaporated into thin air before it could ever reach me. The loud sound of the fire blocked out my scream, blocked out everything. My flesh bubbled as the flames licked the ends of my curly hair. The fire tore my throat apart as it died down. I slammed my mouth shut and fell to my knees. Water from the ceiling splashed down on me. I looked up and glared at what I had just done. Twelve was gone. Not even his ashes remained. Small flames still licked at certain spots in the room. I did that. I did that. I was a monster...Doctor's monster. I let out a small cry and yanked my eyes down to my arms.
The heat created ripples in the air around my red-hot hands.
I scratched at my arms, panicking, trying desperately to get the burning feeling off. Pins and needles radiated throughout my palms. My hands were red. My lip quivered as I could see my morphed veins through my skin. I pulled my hands up to my eyes. The air was torn from my lungs as I watched my hands start to spasm and twitch. I gasped and shoved my hands into my chest, but that still didn't stop the uncontrolable twitching. I cried out in anguish as I realized what monster I had become.
"Firebird, recite the code," Doctor ordered. A chill curled up my spine at the sound of his German accent.
I took in a deep, raggedy breath as I turned my head to see Doctor standing in the doorway, his long and lanky body towering over me. I clenched my jaw as I pulled my heavy body up. I had to wipe away the anger. I had to look like I didn't care.
I swallowed hard, trying to force down the fire that wanted to make a reappearance.
" a warrior," I croaked. I cleared my throat, put on a straight face, and stood up straight. "I am a warrior because of you, Doctor. Before you, I was small and weak...nothing. Now, I am strong, brave, a warrior who knows no fear. Because fear does not coincide with bravery."
"Good," he crowed. "And what is your main goal here?"
I bit my cheek and glared into his cold grey eyes.
"To end the Avengers."

7 years later

I hurled my arm towards him, watching him as he swiftly ducked. My chest burst with pain as his fist collided with me. The breath escaped my lungs. I clawed at my chest, trying to unlock my jammed lungs. Fire collected in my palms. I hurled my flaming fist towards him and again missed, sending the fire into thin air. His arm snaked around mine. I caught a quick breath before he flipped me over his back. I fell to the ground still clinging to my chest, trying to get air into my lungs.
I wanted to just lay there. I wanted to just lay there because I knew how this fight was gonna end. The light always shines on Phoenix. I pushed myself up, finally catching my breath. A tiny smirk appeared on Phoenix's face before he swung his fist towards me.
I flipped back, creating more space between him and I. I clamped my jaw tight as I charged towards him and swung. My mouth gaped open as my fist failed to find his body. Instead, it found the palm of his hand as his fingers wrapped around my fist. He yanked me towards him, wrapping his arm around my throat. I struggled and tried so hard to get out of his grip. In a quick movement he picked me up and slammed my back on the floor. I groaned as he pushed himself up and towered above me. I rolled over onto my stomach and forced fire into my palms, forming it into a sharp knife of fire. I stood up and distanced myself from him. My upper lip tickled as blood trickled from my nose. My thick curly hair dangled in front of my eyes as it fell out of the bun. Pheonix just stared at me, his sapphire eyes analyzing my every move. I cried out as I hurled the fire towards him. He spread his arms, catching the fire as it swirled around him. My heart stopped as he spun and shot it back towards me. I pressed my hand against the fire. The fire exploded upwards as it collided with my palm. The flames licked at my skin as it dissipated. My eyes widened as I looked up to see Pheonix right in front of me. Before I could even do anything, Pheonix grabbed ahold of my arm and twisted. I bit my tongue, trying my hardest not to scream as my bone bended beneath my skin. The last thing I saw before blacking out was Pheonix's fist flying towards my face. I woke up seconds later with his knee against my chest. His jet-black hair dangled over his blue eyes. I swallowed hard as he lifted his hand. A blue flame ignited in his palm. I squeezed my eyes shut and waited for the burn.
"That's enough!" came Doctor's voice. I sighed in relief as Pheonix lifted his heavy body off of me. He lended a hand to me, giving me a slight grin along with it. I grabbed his hand and he lifted me up. My body ached as we took a step back from each other and bowed. We then turned and faced the crowd. My cheeks burned with slight embarrassment as Doctor's superiors glared at Pheonix and I, examining us. I didn't know exactly who they were. I just knew that they were the ones funding our...creation. Doctor started towards us, his arms reached out as he stared happily at Pheonix. He wrapped his arm around his shoulder.
"What did I tell ya?" Doctor beemed. A young bald man in the front row leaned forward and nodded.
"He's a prodigy," he said.
Doctor nodded.
"Not just a prodigy. He's a symbol of power and profection. He has never known defeat!"
The bald man's smile dissapeared as his eyes flickered to mine.
"What about her? She lost. Is she capable of achieving your goals?"
I wanted to dissapear into thin air as everyone's eyes latched onto mine. Doctor pointed to me.
"You see how she handled herself against an opponent five times her size? Though she may have lost, she is fully capable of achieving the goals I have set for her. I have made her the fiercest woman on Earth!"
The bald man leaned back, his eyes darting between us.
"What about Thor?" he questioned. "You're gonna need more than fire and fancy fighting to beat him."
Doctor smirked and glanced at us.
"Believe me, I have Something special in mind for him. Would you like a demonstration, Mr. Cullen?"
Cullen, the bald man, leaned forward again, his brows furrowing as he nodded. Pheonix and I quickly glanced at each other. Doctor gave Pheonix a quick smile before retreating back to the crowd. Pheonix and I glared at each other as we distanced ourselves. I took a deep breath and took stance. Pheonix put his two index fingers together and curled his arm in a circular motion. The lighting spewed from his fingers, the bolts dancing across his arms as he shot the lightning towards me. I put my two index fingers together and reached out. The lightning stung as it attached to my fingers. I could feel the bolts crawling inside me as I moved it down my arm, down to the stomach, and up my other arm. The lightning shot out of my finger tips, making my hair stand on end as it danced across the sky. I planted my feet as the energy rushed out of my body along with the lightning. I took a deep breath and stood up straight as Cullen and the others gawked at us. Cullen's shock morphed into pure happiness.
"So," he started. "You wanted to talk with us about their first mission?"
Doctor grinned as he turned back to us.
"Pheonix, you may report to your quarters. Firebird, report to medical."
We both bowed and started towards the door. I took in a deep breath as we finally walked back into the building. I groaned as my chest and arm ached.
"Can't you take it a little easy?" I grumbled. "It's just training. Not a real fight."
"You fought like a child! All agression, no thought, no defense. You revealed your next move before you even made it."
"I know, I know! You kicked my butt. Does that make you happy?"
His fingers curled around my arms. I glared up at him as he lightly pushed me against the wall. He was about 6'2. He had medium length jet-black hair and sapphire eyes. It was hard not to smile as he leaned in closer and closer.
"It does," he said with a smile.
"Cameras, dummy," I said as I pointed to one of the cameras on the wall. My heart fluttered as his lips brushed against mine.
"We're in a blindspot."
His lips pressed against mine. His familiar smell wafted into my nose. I wove my hands up and through his soft hair. His hands slowly slid down my back. Chills rushed up my spine as his hands brushed against my bare skin. A twinge of pain burst from my lungs. I pulled away and winced. His brows bent back as he slowly pulled away.
"Sorry," he mumbled. I pushed him away and smirked.
"I gotta go to medical so they can fix the problem you caused."
He rubbed the back of his neck and smiled nervously as I turned and made my way into medical. I sat down on one of the cots and watched as Ms. Kay came over with a wet cloth. My face felt sore as she held the cloth against my bleeding nose.
"He got you again, huh?" she asked. I rolled my eyes.
"I haven't won a single fight since my duel with Eight."
"Well, Pheonix is—."
I rolled my eyes again as I pushed the cloth away.
"I know, alright! He's tall, handsome, muscular...a prodigy. His fire is freaking blue and mine is just red. He's able to create lightning and I'm only able to redirect it. A symbol of power and profection. Meanwhile, I'm 4'10, and while I'm probably able to take down an entire army, I'm looked at like the weakling."
I rolled my eyes again and leaned back against the wall. "The light always shines on Phoenix."
Ms. Kay squeezed my hand tight and glared at me, her black eyes digging into mine. She had salt and pepper short curly hair and dark skin. Usually the nurses weren't allowed to converse with us unless we had a medical issue, but ever since it became just Pheonix and I, he's been putting me in here a lot. I've gotten to know all of the nurses names in fact. There are only three now. There use be forty, but now that it's only Pheonix and I, the others were...let go.
"I was just gonna say that Pheonix is apart of your team. Ever since you two were born you've been a team."
She took a flash light and pushed my head back. I tried not to cringe as she shined it into both of my eyes. "It shouldn't be a competition with him."
I scoffed.
"C'mon. You and I both know that to Doctor it's always been—."
She slammed her hand against my shoulder.
"Stop," she mouthed. I bit cheek, shutting myself up. Last time I talked negatively about Doctor, I was put in a tiny cell and electrocuted until I couldn't feel my skin anymore. I swallowed hard as a thick lump formed in my throat. She set the flashlight down and tilted her head as she examined me. "Are you feeling lightheaded or dizzy?"
I shook my head.
"I feel fine," I mumbled. She nodded and helped me up.
"Alight. Head back to your quarters. If you start feeling any symptoms of a concussion, come right back here, got it?"
I nodded and walked out. As I walked to my quarters, I glanced out the window. I saw Doctor talking to a few of the other men. I quickly pulled my eyes down to the floor. When I finally made it to my quarters, I slammed the door shut and pulled off my training suit. I found my favorite red hoodie and leggings. As I changed, I stared at my bare skin in my tiny mirror. Scars and burns covered my arms. I remembered the ones that Pheonix gave me but I couldn't remember how I got the other dozen on my body. I bit my cheek and pulled my hoodie over my head. I laid down on my hard cot and stared at the ceiling. I thought back to what Ms. Kay had said. '"It shouldn't be a competition with him'."
Ever since we emerged as the last two standing, Doctor told us that we shouldn't treat each other like competitors. I rolled my eyes. It was obvious that Doctor had already picked a winner from jump. I didn't hate Pheonix. I didn't hate him at all. One might even say I...feel warmth towards him. I knew we were never supposed to feel that way but I...loved him. We were always told that love was weakness, and I partly agreed, but love was also something you couldn't run from. So, I never hated Pheonix at all. I would get jealous of him every now and then, but Pheonix was the closest thing I've ever had to family. He was my family. I shifted to my side and closed my eyes. I laid there for a while, thinking about what I usually thought about during my free time. The outside world. I've always wanted to walk around a big city, to see the stars. I've been outside plenty of times but it's always been during the day. To be honest, I've never even seen the sky at night. We live so deeply inside the compound, that there are no windows in sight. I sighed as I played a daydream over in my head. I imagined being in a space ship, seeing all the galaxies, watching as the shooting stars slid across the sky. A grin spread across my face as I squished my head into the pillow. My mind continued to run wild until I fell into the abyss of sleep.

Crimson (A Marvel Story) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora