Chapter 5: A Walk in the Park

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   Rudy and I were inseparable for the next three days. We talked non-stop and we even watched a movie together on his laptop in our computer class. Our teacher always falls asleep in there so we have a lot of free time. We watched a movie called Karate Kid and then after that, we watched a series called Cobra Kai. I really enjoyed it, and honestly, I just enjoyed being with Rudy. It was also funny because I called out a lot of some of the fake stuff in the fight scenes. Rudy hated it when I did that though. He said I was ruining the movie. I had never truly let my guard down, maybe I had with Thor, but not the way I was able to with Rudy. Rudy and I were sitting outside for lunch. I didn't think we were really allowed to sit outside, but the teachers and...everyone else in the school, was so intimidated by me, that they never bothered Rudy and I. And we weren't causing any trouble, so they just let us sit outside. Rudy smiled as he nudged me in the side.
"Guess what," he said. I grinned as I looked at him and raised my eyebrows. "I found them."
My eyes widened. To be honest, I wasn't expecting him to find them at all, let alone in only a week.
"No you didn't!" I teased. He chuckled as he pulled out a folder. I watched him open it and my heart sank as I looked at a picture of my parents. My mother had coffee brown skin with long curly that looked exactly like mine. She was beutiful. My eyes drifted over to my father. He had salt and pepper thinning hair with ice blue eyes. His skin was pale. He was handsome.
"Maya and Walter Quinn. They sold their baby girl on the black market to one...Charles Knox."
I chuckled as I pulled my eyes over to meet Rudy's.
"You actually did it."
I laughed and wrapped my arms around him. He grunted as I squeezed tightly. "You actually did it!"
I could instantly feel his heart beating against my chest, his muscles becoming ridged. I quickly pulled away and pulled my eyes down, trying to prevent my cheeks from turning red. He laughed nervously.
"I also found out that they're gonna be at central park this could meet them."
I bit my lip, thinking about the terrifying possibilities. What would I say to them? What if they didn't want to see me?
I pulled my eyes back up to Rudy's
"Would you come with me?"
He scoffed.
"What? You really think I would let you do this on your own?"
I laughed and shook my head.
"Thanks! You're amazing, Rudy."
His dimples showed again as he smiled hard. He raised his index finger in the air as he rummaged through his bookbag.
"I almost forgot," he said as he pulled out a dark green bookbag and placed it in front of me. "I got you green because it's the exact opposite of pink."
I squeezed my eyes shut as I laughed, shaking my head at the fact that he actually remembered. I placed my books in my bag and glanced back at him.
"Thank you!"
He just smiled and nodded. I watched him as he stood.
"Hey, I'm gonna use the bathroom. Don't you steal my brownie!"
A mischievous grin spread across my face as I glanced at his lunch box.
"And what if I do?"
He raised his chin and popped his collar.
"Look, I don't mean to intimidate you...but I did take karate when I was twelve."
I curled my lips and shook my head.
"I'm shaking," I whispered playfully. He chuckled as he turned and went inside. I glanced down at the concrete, wondering why Doctor was so against us having feelings towards another person. Having a friend around has kept me sane, kept the horrible nightmares at bay. Instead of going to bed thinking about my agonizing past, I thought about Rudy. It felt weird...but it made me happy. I didn't exactly know if there was a name for that feeling and I wasn't sure if I liked it...but I didn't hate it either. My eyes narrowed as the minutes ticked by with Rudy not coming back. It had been long...really long. I knew something was wrong when the bell rang and he didn't come back. My mind flashed back to Pheonix. I begged him to come back. I watched as he dissapeared into the woods, never once looking back at me. I shook the thought out of my head. Rudy wouldn't do that to me. I stood and flung my bookbag over my shoulder, grabbing Rudy's as well. I pushed the door open to see a large kid towering over Rudy. The kid had to be about 6'3, maybe even taller. He had short brown hair and green eyes. I recognized that kid too. He was in our computer class. He shoved Rudy against the wall and chuckled.
"Watch your back, bitch!" he snapped at him. I clenched my jaw, feeling the smoldering heat ignite within me. I charged towards the kid, my hands trembling by my side as I had my gaze locked on the back of his head. My eyes water as the fire pooled to my irises. I was about to order the fire to consume his head when I felt a hand wrap around my wrist. I whipped my head over to see Rudy shaking his head. My heart dropped as my eyes drew to the open cut on his lip.
He chuckled but I could physically feel the pain in that faint laugh.
"It's fine, Bri...really."
I wrapped my fingers around his forearm and squeezed.
"Fine? That is nowhere near fine!"
He shook his head and forced a grin.
"Seriously, Bri. It's nothing that hasn't happened before."
He was smiling at me but I could see the festering pain in his eyes. I squeezed my fists together as I turned my head back to that kid. He was far away but I could easily catch up to him and ignite him. I took a step toward him but before I could get far, Rudy pulled me back and squeezed my wrist.
"Bri, please! Don't. It's fine. I promise."
I brushed my thumb against his bleeding lip and shoved my thumb back in his face, showing him the blood.
"He made you bleed!"
"Briella, please! Please, just let it go. Please!"
I clenched my jaw as the desperation glowed in his eyes. I sighed irritably.
"Fine! But I swear, if he messes with you again, I don't care how much you beg. I am going to do something about it, okay?!"
He swallowed hard and pulled his eyes to the wall behind me. He slowly nodded.
" wanna just skip fourth block? Go to Central Park?"
His voice was brittle as he spoke. "It takes an hour to get there and your parents are gonna be there soon."
I nodded. I knew that if we went to fourth block, and saw that kid, I wouldn't be able to help myself. I'd hurt him, and I think Rudy knew that too. He smiled as we made our way out the backdoor and walked to the parking lot. It was far too easy to leave this school. We didn't say much as Rudy drove. I kept thinking about what happened. Over and over again I kept thinking. I looked over at him.
"Why does he hurt you?" I asked. Rudy took in a deep breath. I watched as he tightened his fist around the steering wheel.
"My adoptive mother was never able to have children of her own. She tried over and over, but kept having miscarriages."
He took in another deep breath. "She's currently five months pregnant. It's honestly a miracle from God."
His face hardened. "That guy...Jim Howard...he's my next door neighbor. He was throwing a party a few weeks ago. It was two o'clock in the morning and their music was blaring. My mom hasn't been able to get good sleep at all, so I called the cops."
He shook his head and exhaled.
"Jim apparently got busted with drugs in the house, and somehow he found out that it was me who called."
"So he wants revenge?" I questioned. Rudy nodded.
"I guess. I mean—the dude's just a douchebag!"
I tilted my head.
"What's a douchebag?"
His eyes widened as that question left my mouth. A small grin bread across his face as he chuckled.
"It's uh..."
He cut himself off with a small laugh. I didn't know why he was laughing but I was just happy to see him smile.
"It's...just a word for someone who's a jerk."
"Oh," I mumbled.
My heart began to pick up speed as we made our way into the city. I smiled as I stared up at all the beutiful buildings. I had always dreamed of walking into New York. We found a place to park and started towards Central Park. My heart was banging against my rib cage. What would I say to them? I took in deep and rapid breaths as we walked through Central Park. Rudy's hand wrapped around my arm as he stopped me. I glanced at him to see him looking forward, pointing to something. My heart dropped as I looked forward to see my parents. They were both sitting on a bench. Their fingers were laced together. They stared at each other with such love in their eyes. I froze, not sure weather to hug them or to scream at them, demand to know why they sold me to such a horrible man.
"I'll be right behind you," Rudy whispered. I took in a deep breath and stuffed my nerves deep down as I started towards them. What would I even say? Maybe they didn't want to sell me. Maybe they had to do to survive. Maybe they would be so happy to see me.
"Mommy! Daddy! Look!" came a little boys voice. I stopped in my tracks as a little boy rushed past me and jumped into their arms. He held up a flower and shoved it in their faces. My heart crumbled as I watched the little boy sit in their laps. He had coffee skin with golden curly hair. My eyes narrowed as I just stared at them. That same agonizing feeling I felt when Pheonix abandoned me rushed into my broken heart. Rudy's hand wrapped around my arm again as he pulled me back. I walked in complete shock and awe as we made our way back to the car. We didn't say anything, not a word as we just sat in the car.
Rudy swallowed hard as he glanced at me.
"Bri, I—."
"How could they...sell me, but then have another child? What did he have that I didn't?"
As soon as I felt Rudy's hand wrap around my shoulder, I just broke down. I buried my face in my palms and sobbed. Rudy pulled me into his chest. I wrapped my arms around him and sobbed until his shirt was soaked with my tears.
"It's okay," he whispered. I took in a deep breath and let myself relax in his arms. "I'm so sorry."
I squeezed my eyes shut and backed up from him. The cold crept back as I moved away from his warm embrace.
"Can you take me home?" I croaked. He nodded as he started the car and headed for home.

Crimson (A Marvel Story) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora