Chapter 6: D.C

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    I sat in my dark room, glancing down at my phone every five minutes, waiting anxiously for Rudy to text me. As soon as Nat dropped me back off at the facility, she left to go on her mission. Steve was off with Wilson, following a lead on one of his lost friends or something. Wanda should've be fast asleep. Rhody...well, he's been gone for a while. I haven't actually met him yet. Tony and Vision were downstairs, working on something. They told me what they were working on, but I honestly didn't listen. I flinched as my phone cause my entire bed to vibrate. I smiled as I picked it up to see a text from Rudy.
Here, he texted. I set my phone down and took in a deep breath as I pushed myself out of my bed and opened the door. I casually walked down the dark and quiet highway, making my way outside and to the gate. Standing right on the other side of it was Rudy, dressed in black. I unlocked the gate and let him in. He took in a deep breath as he gazed up at the huge building.
"Wow...this is real. I'm...really doing this," he trembled.
"Calm down, Rudy," I chuckled. "In case you didn't know, I've been trained in the art of stealth. Been doing it for seventeen years."
I patted his shoulder as I led him straight up to the front door. "This'll be a peice of cake," I mumbled. I turned on the keypad and switched off the sensors. I glanced back at Rudy's terrified face. "Look. I turned off the sensors. Now nobody will know that anyone even came in."
He fiddled with the sleeves of his hoodie and exhaled deeply, nodding nervously.
"Right...right...right," he quaked. I rolled my eyes and smirked as I pushed open the door and walked in. I glanced around the dark building. I could hear Tony and Vision tinkering with something in the garage below us. "This entire building smells like a new car," he whispered. I chuckled as we tip toed up the stairs. I pushed open the door to Tony's office and motioned for Rudy to come in. He quickly rushed in, his breathing loud and rapid. I closed the door and flipped on the lights. I glanced at Rudy and smiled. His eyes darted around the officer. I took a quick look around as well. It was actually my first time in Tony's office. There was a huge computer and two monitors. One had security cameras of every part of the building. I could see Vision and Tony talking in the garage. The other monitor was completely blank though. I nodded to the computer.
"You're up, Rudy."
He took in yet another deep breath and sat down at the computer.
"I got this. I got this," he mumbled to himself. I watched as he typed on the computer, going through file after file. His eyes darted around the screen as he looked for the invitation.
"So," Rudy began as he typed. "What excuse did you give the Avengers?" he asked.
"Oh, um...nothing. It's kind of normal for us to dissapear. They won't even know I'm gone, trust me."
He nodded and continued typing. "What about you?" I asked him.
"I told my parents I'd be going camping with Manny. Don't worry, I talked to him and he said he'd cover for me."
Rudy slammed his finger down on the keyboard one last time before backing up and letting me see the screen. I smiled as I saw a fancy picture of an invitation. He quickly took a picture with his phone and closed everything out on the computer. He stood and raised his phone. "I'll have these ready before tomorrow."
I smiled and nodded, just staring up into his ocean eyes. I just gazed into them, embracing every second as I relaxed in his gaze. That handsome smile spread across his face.
"What?" he chuckled. At that moment, I thought about how boring and...dull my life would be without him. I smiled, feeling my cheeks and ears heat up.
"Nothing," I mumbled. "It's just've sacrificed so much of your time. monster who's done...horrible things. Yet you help me. You stay with me."
He shrugged and grinned.
"You were never a monster in my eyes, Bri."
I gazed into his captivating eyes. They drew me in like a trap I was unable to escape from. I watched his eyes as they traced over my face and down to my lips.
"You''re. "
I couldn't help but smile as we slowly leaned closer and closer to each other, my eyes drifting down to his lips. I could feel his warm breath against my lips.
My eyes slowly drifted closed as I waited to feel his lips on mine.
"I'm what?"
My eyes instantly narrowed into slits.
"What?!" I practically yelled. I quickly lerched away from him, the cold creeping back as I moved away from his warmth.
"Shh!" Rudy snapped as he pointed to the monitor. I turned around to the security monitor to see Tony right outside of the door. My eyes darted around, looking for somewhere to hide. My eyes landed on the closet. I opened the door and shoved Rudy in. I slammed the door shut and just as I stood up straight, Tony walked in, his dark eyes meeting mine. His brows furrowed in confusion.
"Hi...Bri," he mumbled suspiciously. "Is there a reason that you're in my private 2am?"
My heart was banging against my ribcage as my mind went wild to try and find an excuse.
"I...uh...forgot that I had a huge paper due tomorrow morning," I lied. "I...needed a computer."
His coal eyes dug through mine. He knew something was up. I could just see it in his eyes.
"Odd...I thought you got suspended for fighting."
My heart sank. Tony's face hardened as he crossed his arms, waiting for my excuse.
"I did...but they still give you online homework even if you're suspended."
He chuckled and shrugged, his face softened. He believed me. Thank God. I took in a subtle sigh of relief and watched him as he walked to the doorway.
"Also, before I forget, I'm gonna be in D.C for the weekend. I know, I bet your so sad to be without me," he joked. I chuckled as I crossed my arms, glancing quickly at the closet Rudy was in.
"Oh, yeah. I've been crying myself to sleep just thinking about it," I mumbled. He chuckled as he pointed to me.
"Sarcasm...looks like I'm teaching you something after all."
I let out a genuine chuckle.
He just nodded as he walked out of the room and said nothing else. I watched on the monitor as he wandered down the hallway and into his room. I quickly threw open the closet doors and rushed back outside to the gate. Rudy looked back at me and smiled.
"See you bright and early tomorrow, partner."
I laughed and waved goodbye to him. I quickly rushed back into the facility and turned the security sensor's back on. I slowly walked back into my room, slamming my back onto my bed, staring up into the ceiling as I thought about Rudy's and I's almost kiss. I couldn't stop imagining his lips, wondering what it would've been like to kiss them. I sighed as I slid between the covers and forced myself to go to sleep.

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